By Aayushi Gupta
Published Sep 09, 2024
Your daily habits could be affecting your weight loss results without you even realising it. Find out which 10 habits to drop for more effective and sustainable weight loss.
Lack of sleep affects the hormones that are responsible for controlling hunger. This may leave you feeling hungry all the time, increasing your meal intake. Stick to at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night to regulate hormones and support weight loss.
Not Getting Proper Sleep
Not eating breakfast might seem like a way to cut calorie intake, but it often leads to overeating later in the day. A healthy, balanced breakfast gives you energy, jumpstarts your metabolism, and helps control hunger throughout the day.
Skipping Breakfast
Sugary beverages like sodas and fruit juices are loaded with extra calories, which may spike your blood sugar levels and do not even keep you full, leading to more cravings. Swapping them with water or herbal tea can make a big difference.
Drinking Sugary Drinks
Staying hydrated is key to losing weight. Sometimes when you are thirsty you may feel that you are hungry but that's not the case! Drinking water regularly can help control hunger, boost your metabolism, and prevent overeating.
Not Drinking Enough Water
Eating right before bed does not give your body enough time to digest and burn off those calories, leading to weight loss. It is best to stop eating at least two hours before bed.
Late Night Snacking
If you are trying to lose weight, it is essential to cut down on your daily sugar intake. Eating too much sugar not only increases the risk of heart disease but can also cause weight gain due to its high-calorie content. Avoid sugar, especially if you are diabetic.
Cut Down Sugar
Along with sugar, cutting back on alcoholic drinks is also equally crucial due to their high-calorie content. Not just weight loss but limiting alcohol consumption can also help improve your digestion and sleep pattern.
Limit Alcohol
Foods such as nuts, avocados, and fatty fish are packed with healthy fats that help you keep full and reduce calorie intake. However, if consumed in large amounts, these foods can even result in weight gain. So, eat healthy fats in moderation.
Eating Too Many Healthy Fats
When you snack while watching TV, working, or scrolling through your phone, it is easy to lose track of how much you are eating. This mindless snacking increases calorie intake and can lead to overeating. Pay attention to your meals to avoid consuming more than you need.
Mindless Eating
Restaurant meals tend to have larger portions and more calories, sugar, and fats than homemade meals. Eating at home allows you to control portion sizes and ingredients, making it easier to stick to your weight loss goals
Eating Out Too Often