Hard work is essential for success, but is your hard work becoming your addiction? If you can relate to this, it is really important for you to pay attention to it. Reminder: addiction to anything is injurious to health! In fact, work addiction, known as workaholism, can affect your personal relationships and because of that, your mental and emotional well-being can go for a toss.
Workaholism is a thing, thanks to technology like smartphones, laptops, and other devices that have made working from anywhere, anytime, an opportunity for some.
Not to mention, ‘work from home’ has also increased the workaholism among people due to the ongoing pandemic. To top that, the ‘time is money’ attitude in some people compels them to continue working long hours after the official working hours. But remember, being dedicated and enjoying your job is different from developing a work addiction.
So ask yourself if you’re more than just a hard worker? Or you can take this quiz to find out.