Are you a picky eater? Take this quiz to find out

Published on:14 July 2024, 06:24pm IST

Do you go like “ewww” upon seeing tomatoes, brocalies or eggs on your plate? Take this quiz to know if you are a picky eater!

picky eater
Take this quiz to find out if you are a picky eater or not. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock.

Do you squirm at the sight of certain foods like vegetables, eggs and meat? Or maybe some cuisines? It may be a typical sign of picky eaters. As the name suggests, picky eaters are quite choosy about what they eat. While favouring a certain type of food and not touching other items is normal behaviour, it may even lead to health complications due to lack of nutrient absorption. Avoiding certain foods like fruits and vegetables can lead to nutritional deficiencies, which can impact immune function and overall health. It may also lead to constipation or irregular bowel movements. Picky eaters may even struggle with weight management, feel fluctuations in energy levels and become more susceptible to infections and illnesses. So, take this Health Shots quiz to find out if you are a picky eater!

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What is your reaction when you see tomatoes on your plate?

There is a dish of broccoli on the table. What do you do?

A friend offers you a bowl of carrot, pea and radish salad. How do you respond?

Do you like eating pickles with your food?

How would you react to seeing a plate of spicy biryani?

What do you think about a serving of egg curry?

How would you feel about eating bitter gourd?

How do you feel after being served cream cheese?

What is your reaction to seeing a bow of palak paneer?

Would you like to have fish for lunch?