Ovarian cancer is cancer of the female organs that produce eggs. It can affect one or both ovaries. This cancer often goes undetected in the early stages and we only come to know about this once it has spread within the pelvis and the stomach. At this time, it is highly difficult to heal as well.
Cancer of the ovaries usually causes a lot of gastrointestinal problems as well such as bloating, constipation, muscle cramps, etc. Most women who suffer from ovarian cancer are usually 55 years or older and are in the menopausal stage. However, it is also diagnosed in women in the age group of 40-50 as well. If you have any family history, it is advisable to do routine check-ups so that you detect this at a very early stage and treatments can be more beneficial.
You may, however, keep an eye out for ovarian cancer signs and symptoms. Dr Manoj Kutteri, CEO and Medical Director of the Atmantan Wellness Centre, designed this quiz especially for HealthShots to help you determine whether you have ovarian cancer or not.
Go ahead and answer these questions!