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This 2-minute meditation technique can help you overcome addiction

If you have been underestimating the power of yoga, then let us introduce you to super power meditation that can help you beat sugar, caffeine, and even nicotine cravings.
women health post 25
Rejoice the super power of mediation. Image courtesy: Shuttestock
Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar Published: 27 Nov 2020, 05:28 pm IST
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Yoga can work on all aspects of your life—aiding your growth and development in a holistic way. Whether through asanas, pranayama or meditation, yoga has the power to even change our genetic make-up. Which is why if you are searching for a way to change your lifestyle, add better habits and a positive outlook, yoga is the key. In fact, yoga can even help you beat your cravings and addiction!  

If you are addicted to any substance—then be it tobacco, nicotine, sugar, caffeine, or alcohol etc—the first step towards overcoming it is the willingness to change. From there on, you have to tweak your routine adding some powerful yogic practices such as meditation techniques to your life. 

Super power meditation is one such technique that can be performed for two minutes at the time when you most experience your cravings. 

But first, let’s understand what addiction is

Addiction is simply a coping mechanism that compensates for the lack of naturally occurring chemicals in the body. Designed to provide a feeling of happiness or euphoria, these substances interact with the naturally occurring chemicals in your brain. 

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Take for example, sugar, nicotine, and tobacco—these products affect the brain’s reward processing center. When you experience a pleasurable reaction using these, you are prompted to use these ingredients over and over again to release the same chemicals. 

super power meditation
You can control those cravings with the super power of meditation. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

In order to reduce the cravings, yoga has the power to alter neural pathways. After meditation or a yoga practice, your brain produces the same chemicals that allow you to feel pleasure. This in turn leads to a series of changes in your lifestyle that takes away the cravings and subsequently the addiction. 

Here’s how super power meditation can help you beat your addiction 

Super power meditation is a technique that makes way for strong, positive vibrations. This can be used as a simple but effective method to break unhealthy habits and replace them with positive ones. 

This is also a highly recommended practice as this influences the rate at which your body can heal itself. Meditation techniques can improve your mood, calm your mind, and help relax you. This is how you can practice it:  

  • Seat yourself in sukhasana or any other comfortable pose that gives you the shape of a pyramid. The intention is to sit in the shape of a triangle atop a mountain. 
  • In this position, you need to visualize a reverse triangular shield in your chest and then meditate. 
  • During the meditative process, with every inhale, imagine you are inhaling satisfaction and welcome all the positive energies of the world into you. And, as you exhale you release your cravings along with unwanted toxins, miseries, and negativity from within you.

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By this technique you can easily replace old habits with brand new ones that contribute to your growth. Practice this meditation to eliminate weakness from your life and add strength.  Meditation techniques can seem simple but gradually promote our positive auto response system. This in turn boosts confidence and self-esteem helping you to overcome any cravings that you may have.

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About the Author

Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar is an internationally acclaimed Spiritual yogic master. He is the founder, chairman, and course director of Akshar Yoga and president of World Yoga Organisation. He is also the President of the International Siddha Foundation. ...Read More

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