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Find out why drinking water while standing isn’t good for your health

Are you aware of the negative effects of drinking water while standing? If not, then read this.
benefits of drinking water
Water is essential for healthy digestion. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Aayushi Gupta Updated: 30 Oct 2023, 01:52 pm IST
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We all know how important it is to drink water, not just to stay hydrated but to ensure that the body functions properly. Keeping an eye on the quantity of water you consume is necessary, but not enough. You should also know the right way to drink water for better health. Yes ladies, your drinking habits are equally important. 

When it comes to drinking water habits, aren’t we all just used to sipping on it while standing? Although you might have never thought about whether this is the right way to drink water or not, you may have been reminded by your elders at least once that water must be consumed when you are in a sitting position. 

Is drinking water while standing harmful?
Drinking water while standing is not the right way. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

We asked an expert about it! Dr Vipul Rustgi, general physician, Apollo Spectra, Delhi, told HealthShots that it is not recommended to drink water while standing as it can lead to several health issues.

When you are standing, your body and tissues are in a state of tension. This leads the water to rapidly flow down your body, causing a disruption in the existing balance of fluids.

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Here are some side effects of drinking water while standing:
1. Indigestion

Drinking water while standing can wreak havoc on your digestive system. That is because when you stand and drink water, it goes with great force and speed through the food canal and falls on the lower stomach directly, which is harmful. Dr Rustgi says, “The nerves get tensed when one drinks water rapidly while standing, which disrupts the balance of fluids, causing an increase in toxins and indigestion.”

Also, read: Water retention could be the reason behind your weight gain! Here’s how to tackle it

2. Trigger Arthritis

The nerves are in a state of tension when you drink water rapidly in a standing position, which disrupts the balance of fluids, leading to an increase in toxins and indigestion in the body. In fact, it also accumulates fluids in the joints, triggering arthritis. Dr Rustgi says, “Drinking water while standing can lead to the accumulation of fluids in the joints, and can trigger arthritis problems, and joint damage.”

Is drinking water while standing harmful?
Arthritis is a naging problem: Shutterstock
3. Risk to your lungs

When you drink water while standing, the required nutrients and vitamins don’t reach the liver and digestive tract. When you stand and drink water it travels through the system really fast and that risks your lungs and heart function because the oxygen level gets disturbed this way. 

Also, read: 6 health benefits of drinking water from an earthen pot

4. Kidney problems

It has been found that our kidneys filter better while sitting. “While standing and drinking water, the fluid tends to pass through without any filtration to one’s lower stomach under high pressure. This causes the water impurities to settle in the bladder, and damage the functioning of the kidneys, says Dr Rustgi. It can even cause urinary tract disorders.

But is there a right way to drink water? Well, there is.

The correct way of drinking water is to sit down on a chair and keep the back erect while drinking water. This way, nutrients reach the brain and improve brain activity. Not only this, your digestion will be improved, and you will not feel bloated, suggests Dr Rustgi. 

So ladies, aren’t these reasons enough to switch your drinking water habits now!

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About the Author

Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information. ...Read More

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