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Over the last few years, our world has transformed completely. With increased penetration of technology and greater access to healthcare, people all over the world are living long, happy and healthy lives. They focus their attention in the right place, and lay great emphasis on nutrition and exercise. Yes, you heard it right. While what you eat is essential, so is moving your body. But guess what? You don’t have to necessarily perform complex workouts; what’s important is to include movement throughout the day.
This is even more critical because we spend most of our time before our computer screens. It might be hard but you have to nudge yourself to move, every few hours at least. Of course, it doesn’t have to look the same for everyone. But whatever you do, try to pack in 150 to 300 minutes of exercise every week, say experts.
So without further ado, let’s learn about some of the best exercises for longevity:
Those who live a long life generally walk a lot; it’s a part of their daily routine. It’s all about integrating walking in little ways — walk to your neighbourhood grocery store or don’t take your car the next time you see a friend in the vicinity. The best part is walking is not just great for your physical health, but will also help you boost your mental capabilities. According to a study, daily walking is correlated with preserving the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain where memory is stored. So, try to make walking an integral part of your life.
According to health experts, those who are fit and live a long life prefer bicycles as their primary mode of transportation. It has a significant impact on their cardiovascular health as well. Similar to walking, bike riding is a low-impact exercise that can be integrated into your daily life. It is a good muscle workout, because it utilises all the major muscle groups in your body. What’s more, it doesn’t even require any skill and instead helps you build stamina. Do it regularly and it will add many more years to your life in a fun way!
There’s nothing that gives people more joy than dancing, and what if we tell you that it will make you live longer? Amazing news, right? Well, it raises your heart rate and improves your cognitive function — that’s because of all the coordination you need. It also enhances muscular strength, endurance and accelerates weight loss. Plus, the best part is with stronger bones, there’s a reduced risk of osteoporosis. Dancing also improves balance and spatial awareness, and enhances both physical and mental well-being. So, put on your favourite shoes and dance to some peppy beats!
This exercise includes a series of movements that are performed in a slow and steady manner, accompanied by deep breathing. Also known as ‘meditation in motion’, this practice improves coordination, and is good for both physical and mental well-being. Another reason why tai chi is beneficial is because it helps to relieve stress.
According to health experts, gardening is helpful when it comes to longevity. It’s amazing how some people continue gardening, even when they turn 80 or 90. Not only does it help to fight disease, but also improves memory and boosts your mood. What’s more, it brings down stress and helps to foster human connections.
So ladies, make these exercises a part of your life and reap their benefits!
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