Know your ideal sleep cycle with this chronotype quiz

Updated on:9 November 2024, 04:51pm IST

Are you an early riser or a night owl? Take this chronotype quiz to find out your normal sleep cycle.

sleep cycle
A better understanding of your chronotype can help you improve your sleep cycle and well-being. Image courtesy: Freepik.

Do you find it hard to get out of bed in the morning but feel like staying up all night? Do you feel energized during the day but slouchy as the night sets in? While you may think you are doing something wrong, your body’s internal clock called chronotype, might be at play here. It directly affects your energy, productivity, and even your mood throughout the day. By understanding your chronotype, you can structure your routine to maximize your energy and boost your well-being. Ready to find out more? Take our chronotype quiz to discover your ideal sleep cycle and unlock your best daily rhythm!

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How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?

Do you feel most productive in the morning?

What is your ideal sleep time?

How do you feel about late-night parties?

If you had a day off, when would you prefer to start your normal routine?

When is your creativity at its peak?

How does your body react to early mornings?

Do you feel energised in the afternoon?

What is your thought about the idea of a “sleep schedule”?

How do you feel about naps?