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Here’s why you need giloy to keep your blood pressure under control

Giloy has multiple health benefits and one of them is keeping high blood pressure under control. Here’s how to use giloy to manage your BP.
side effects of giloy
A study found giloy consumption to be linked to liver damage. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Geetika Sachdev
Updated On: 30 Oct 2023, 04:21 pm IST
  • 80

High blood pressure, or hypertension, has become extremely common and is being increasingly identified as a ‘lifestyle disease’. Needless to say, you must manage your blood pressure to ensure you can avoid associated ailments.

As per a survey conducted by the National Family Health Survey, 1 in every 8 Indians suffers from high blood pressure. Truth be told, if the symptoms are not controlled, hypertension can prove to be a ‘silent killer’.

Turns out, Ayurveda can help you bring your blood pressure under control. An integral part of Ayurveda’s blood pressure remedy system is the magical herb giloy. 

It is often termed as ‘amrita’ which translates to the ‘root of immortality’. This is due to its multiple medical benefits. Its stem is the most widely used but the root can be utilised as well. Giloy can tackle several diseases.

It has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties that help treat fever and infections. You can trust the powers of this herb to improve your platelet count which can be especially helpful while battling dengue. What’s more, it helps diabetics given that it is identified as a ‘madhunashini’, or the destroyer of sugar.

Now, let’s find out how giloy helps in controlling blood pressure! We got in touch with Dimple Jangda, celebrity Ayurvedic health coach, and founder of Prana Healthcare Centre and Academy for Ayurvedic Lifesciences, to understand this magical herb’s role in bringing hypertension under control.

Controlling high blood pressure with giloy

“An important aspect of this herb is that it helps control high blood pressure that occurs due to the accumulation of toxins from undigested food. Giloy improves metabolism and digestion along with reducing hyperacidity and flatulence. Thus, it reduces the risk of disorders caused by high blood pressure. You can take 1/4 teaspoon of giloy powder mixed in half a glass of warm water post lunch and dinner to improve digestion,” says Jangda. 

benefits of giloy
Go giloy! Image courtesy: Pixabay

Also, read: Did you know giloy can control your blood sugar and keep diabetes at bay?

And what else should one do to control high BP?

Apart from consuming giloy, it is important for patients to make permanent changes to their lifestyle.

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If you suffer from high BP, your diet will require some immediate modifications. You must avoid spicy, sour and salty foods because they contribute towards increasing your body temperature. Additionally, patients must refrain from consuming packaged foods that are loaded with preservatives. Eating on time is equally critical apart from ensuring that you avoid consuming large portions post sunset. It is best to consume only fresh and warm food, according to seasonal trends. 

There are some asanas that help beat hypertension. These include pranayam, shavasana, anulom vilom, shirshasan, and bhujangasana. 

Apart from diet and moderate physical activity, you need to make other changes to your lifestyle as well. Try and avoid sleeping late at night or immediately after meals. Refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking, chewing tobacco, or working out for long hours. All this will only add to your woes! 

So, consume giloy and make some lifestyle changes to ensure your blood pressure stays under control!

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Geetika Sachdev
Geetika Sachdev

An independent writer and journalist, Geetika loves sharp and fresh humour, just like her coffee! If not writing, you'll find her cafe-hopping and raiding the best book stores in town.

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