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8 things you must do to get rid of your bad breath, according to a dentist

Does your bad breath get you in embarrassing situations? Don’t fret and use these tips to get rid of your foul breath.
tongue scraping
Say bye-bye to foul breath. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Dr Karishma Jaradi Published: 31 Aug 2020, 06:54 pm IST
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Bad breath, also termed as halitosis, can be experienced by everyone inspite of your steady brushing and flossing routine. Foul breath at times can be very awkward, putting the person in an embarrassing position, but it is a common condition with a multitude of ways to avert it.

The roots of this oral issue are not secretive: oral cracks, gum disorders, faulty teeth hygiene, and coated tongue are among the most commonly known causes. Countless microorganisms reside in our mouths and some of them are present on the tongue too. Some of these are also found beneath the gum line or in pockets formed between gums and teeth.

Other reasons may include being undernourished, uncontrolled diabetes, and dryness of mouth. Contagions like painful throat or sinusitis and abdominal ailments—like gastrointestinal ulcers, indigestion snags, and being lactose intolerant—can all lead to this uncomfortable dental health issue. Bad breath can also be activated by underlying dental disorders such as dental cavities, lodgement of food particles, and gum disorders.

Now that you know the causes, learn how to fight bad breath—and banish it once and for all.

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1. Fight bad breath trough proper brushing technique
This is the key to keeping bad breath at bay, but people usually tend to ignore efficient tooth brushing. Brush your dental surfaces two times a day. It is necessary to appropriately brush all enamel surfaces, without missing out on the gum line and inside portion of the enamels positioned in closeness to the tongue. To completely get rid of bad breath, you must meticulously brush the whole surface of the tongue without fail.

gum health
Brush off your bad breath. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock.

2. Day-to-day dental flossing
Flossing must be an essential part of our regular dental care schedule and you must floss at least once on a daily basis. Appropriate flossing will help in removing food fragments that tend to get stuck in between the enamel.

3. Scrape your tongue
The coating that usually tends to deposit on your tongue can be majorly held responsible for foul bacteria. To get rid of it, you must gently brush your tongue with your toothbrush or scrapper on a daily basis.

4. Encourage the flow of your saliva
Saliva is known to play a very vital role in reducing bad breath problems by humidifying the mouth. A dry mouth is a major cause of halitosis. To avoid this issue, you must try and consume sugar-free chewing gums which will help to aid saliva creation in your mouth.

5. Follow healthy eating habits
To maintain good oral hygiene, it is essential to keep a watch on what you eat. Everything you eat tends to get absorbed into your bloodstream only to recur when you inhale and start to speak. Pungent and spicy edibles like onion and garlic are some of the nastiest offenders.

You can consider eating more veggies and herbs like carrots, celery, and parsley. Since they are rich in water content, these edibles will aid in cleaning your mouth of waste remains. Moreover, indulging in wholesome edibles helps in increasing the saliva flow and facilitates in washing away bacteria leading to bad breath.

Also, read: Healthy gums mean a healthy you. Here are 5 ways to maintain good oral hygiene

6. Avoid smoking
Smoking plays a major role in contributing to foul breath. This is because tobacco has the capability to cause dryness of mouth and can leave a bad odour that does not fade away even post brushing.

prevent hypertension
Quit smoking now to fight off bad breath. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Also, read: This is what happens to your body when you quit smoking

7. Ensure you are always hydrated
Most of the time you may find it difficult to follow up a meal with either brushing, flossing, or rinsing. In such a situation, it is important to bear in mind that drinking sufficient amount of fluids can aid in cleansing your mouth of bacteria and food particles.

While water is the ideal option, it is important to stay away from aerated drinks like soda—since the additional sugar present in these drinks will bind to your teeth and gums, mingling with the waste remnants of your meal and lead to bad breath. Drinking water will facilitate in keeping the foul smell under control.

8. You must chew on the right things
Chomping on a piece of sugar-free gum after meals can aid in freshening up your breath and can help to keep the saliva flowing. This enables your mouth to naturally flush the harmful bacteria and the stuck food particles out. Gums that are sugared with 100% xylitol can also benefit in plummeting cracks and cavities.

In addition to these oral strategies, you must visit your dentist regularly.

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About the Author

Dr Karishma Jaradi, Head Dental Surgeon and an Implantologist, is in charge of the maintenance of the strict standards of care and professionalism at Dentzz Dental. She is synonymous with Aesthetic Dentistry in India. After practising dentistry for several years, she has outstanding skills & knowledge. Her practical skills and passion for excellence give her patients the kind of results they expect. ...Read More

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