Flaunting beautiful and stylish nails are all the rage these days, and why not? Artificial nails are not just more long-lasting, but also add much-needed glamour to your look! But did you know? Your real nails are getting damaged under all that glue. Yes, nail extensions could even impact the growth of your nails.
When you use artificial nails, your natural nail plate is trimmed and filed, and glue is applied, which causes long-term damage.
Dr Gunjan Verma, Consultant – Dermatology, HCMCT Manipal Hospital, Dwarka, New Delhi, tells HealthShots, ”After putting artificial nails, our actual nails may become brittle. That means they soften and break easily. Our nails are made of keratin, which is a natural protein, and artificial nails may leave it damaged.”
Did you know our nails need extra care? Even while filing our nails at home, we must pay attention to our cuticles, as any damage may cause a fungal infection.
Cuticles are an integral part of our nails, as it protects our nail bed and structure.
Furthermore, it also acts as a barrier against infections.
“Long-term damage to cuticles invites bacterial and fungal infections. Hence, you should find natural ways to grow and strengthen your nails,” says Verma.
She recommends a few ways that can help you protect your nails from long-term
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