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6 anti-ageing yoga asanas to help you look and feel younger

Cosmetic treatments are the only way to make your skin look younger, these anti-ageing yoga poses can help you look and feel younger. Know how to do yoga to avoid age-related issues.
Woman doing face yoga
Grapes is good for reversing your signs of ageing. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock
Published On: 14 Jan 2025, 08:59 am IST

If you think expensive creams and beauty treatments are the only ways to promote younger-looking skin, think again. Yoga is a natural and affordable approach to a youthful look. There are many anti-ageing yoga poses that can help you feel more energetic, make your skin look supple, prevent wrinkles as well as help your skin glow. Besides this, these poses also help to strengthen your bones and help your spine become stronger. However, make sure to not overstrain yourself while doing these anti-ageing yoga poses. Know how to do it the right way to make you look beautiful inside and out.

Anti-ageing yoga: How does it help?

Yes, many anti-ageing yoga poses can be helpful. A study published in the journal Experimental Gerontology states that consistent yoga practice yields substantial benefits, including improved joint function, increased flexibility, and enhanced overall mobility. These positive outcomes support healthy ageing and elevate overall quality of life. “Have you seen people who have been practising yoga for 10-20 years? They look way younger than their actual age”, explains yoga expert Khushboo Shukla.

A woman doing yoga
While yoga is good for anti-ageing, one should avoid these poses if you have back issues. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

This is because yoga detoxifies the cells and improves skin quality and brings glow to the face. Besides this, it strengthens bones, muscles and spine posture which brings a lot of energy too.

Benefits of anti-ageing yoga poses.

Anti-ageing yoga poses rejuvenate the entire body, relax the mind, reduce stress and anxiety and improve blood circulation throughout the body. When all the systems of the body work in sync, the mind, body and soul come in harmony resulting in a strong, vibrant and energetic body, explains Shukla. “Face yoga can also help you look younger as it tightens face muscles, and prevents dark circles, fine lines, wrinkles and sagging of the skin,” she adds. A study published in the Journal JAMA Network observed that a 30-minute daily or alternate-day facial exercise program sustained over 20 weeks improved the facial appearance of middle-aged women.

6 anti-ageing yoga poses

When it comes to anti-ageing yoga poses, there are quite a few that can help fetch you quick results. Forward bends and inversions are the best for anti-ageing. Here are 5 anti-ageing yoga asanas, along with steps, benefits, and precautions, followed by face yoga steps.

1. Tadasana (Palm Tree Pose)


  • Stand tall with your feet together, arms overhead, palms facing each other.
  • Engage your thighs and hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Benefits: This is one of the most important anti-ageing yoga poses. It helps to improve posture, strengthens the core, and reduces wrinkles.
Precautions: Avoid this pose if you have low blood pressure or experience dizziness.

2. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)


  • Stand straight, then bend forward from hips. Bring your hands to the floor or your shins.
  • Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Benefits: The ability of this asana to increase blood flow to the face and stretch hamstrings makes it one of the most effective anti-ageing yoga poses.
Precautions: Avoid this pose if you experience back or neck issues, or are pregnant.

3. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)


  • Lie on your back, lift your hips towards the ceiling, and press your arms into the floor.
  • Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Benefits: When it comes to looking younger, the Bridge Pose is one of the best anti-ageing yoga poses. It helps strengthen the legs and glutes and improve circulation.
Precautions: Avoid this pose if you face neck or back problems.

4. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)


  • Lie on your stomach, press your palms into the floor, and lift your chest.
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds.

Benefits: This is one of the easiest anti-ageing yoga poses to follow. It strengthens the spine and promotes youthful skin.
Precautions: Make sure to avoid this pose if you have neck or back injuries.

5. Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose)


  • Lie on your back, extend your legs up the wall, and relax your arms.
  • Hold for 5-15 minutes.

Benefits: This yoga pose helps to improve circulation as well as reduce under-eye bags.
Precautions: Avoid this pose if you have glaucoma or heart issues.

6. Face Yoga

When it comes to anti-ageing yoga poses, you cannot ignore face yoga. Here are the steps of some anti-ageing yoga poses to follow:

  • Forehead smoother: Gently smooth forehead skin upward with fingers for 5-10 minutes.
  • Cheek lift: Smile wide, use fingers to lift mouth corners, hold for 5-10 seconds, repeat 10 times.
  • Neck toning: Tilt your head back and pucker your lips toward the ceiling. Hold this pose for 5-10 seconds and repeat 10 times.
  • Eye toner: Pull skin outward at eye corners, and blink rapidly 10-15 times.
  • Jawline sharpening: Tilt head back, press tongue to the roof of the mouth, hold 5-10 seconds, repeat 5-10 times.
Woman doing face yoga
Yoga should be avoided if you are pregnant. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

Points to keep in mind while doing anti-ageing yoga poses

While anti-ageing yoga poses can help you look and feel younger, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure your safety.

  • Make sure you are on an empty stomach before doing these anti-ageing yoga poses.
  • Consistency is the key here. Practice these anti-ageing yoga poses at least three times a week for quick results.
  • Take care of your neck. Whenever you feel discomfort or pain, take a pause and rest.
  • Pay close attention to your breath. Make sure to take deep, slow, and controlled breaths help to calm the mind, reduce stress, and increase oxygen flow to the body and brain.
  • Begin with a gentle warm-up, such as light cardio or some dynamic stretches, to prepare your body for the more challenging poses.
  • End your practice with a few minutes of relaxation or deep breathing exercises.


Anti-ageing yoga is a complementary approach to overall health and well-being. Not only can these yoga poses help your skin look younger, they can also help you feel more energetic. However, it’s not a substitute for a healthy diet, regular exercise, and other healthy lifestyle habits. By incorporating these tips into your anti-ageing yoga practice, you can maximise its benefits and enjoy a more rejuvenating and effective experience.

Related FAQs

What is the best time to do these poses?

Early morning is the best time for doing asana and pranayam - face yoga can be done before going to bed at night.

How many anti-ageing yoga poses can be done in a day?

You can aim to do 4-5 asanas as well as 15 minutes of pranayama.

Disclaimer: At Health Shots, we are committed to providing accurate, reliable, and authentic information to support your health and well-being. However, the content on this website is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for personalised advice regarding your specific medical condition or concerns.

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About The Author
Anjuri Nayar Singh
Anjuri Nayar Singh

Anjuri Nayar Singh has over 12 years of experience in writing for various topics including lifestyle, films, television and OTT. She also writes on art and culture, education and human interest stories.

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