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Are you sure you slept well last night? Check out 6 qualities of good sleep

Quality sleep is always better than quantity of sleep! If you're not sure whether you're resting well, read on to know the signs!
importance of quality sleep
Quality sleep shouldn't be compromised. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Simran Singh Updated: 19 Oct 2022, 04:22 pm IST
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Getting a good night’s sleep goes a long way in keeping you healthy and refreshed. Let’s learn what qualifies as a good sleep and three useful tips that could help you achieve it.

Think about it: When we find ourselves in a tough spot, why do our elders often advise us to “sleep on it”? Do our mattresses hold secret superpowers to enhance the cognitive abilities of its host? No. Rather, it is the very act of sleeping that rejuvenates our minds. Not just common logic, but research also shows that people tend to make better decisions when they are well-rested.

Whether you are cranky or vibrant during the day, it largely depends on the quality of slumber you are getting. From strengthening your heart to boosting your immunity, the benefits of sleep are numerous. But how would you know if the quality of sleep you are getting is 10/10 or not? Scroll down to get the answer from an expert.

lack of sleep
Lack of sleep can impact your schedules. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Subah Saraf of popular holistic health platform Satvic Movement, recently shared an Instagram post about the qualities of a good sleep.

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“Our sleep determines the quality of our day. Sleep is where we get recharged for the coming day, just like our phones do at night,” says the expert.

6 signs of good quality sleep

When it comes to quantity vs quality of sleep, always go for the latter! Here’s what can determine if you’ve slept well or not.

1. You sleep within 5 minutes of hitting your bed

Generally, people fall asleep in 5 to 15 minutes. If you constantly find yourself staring at the ceiling for the better part of an hour, it could be a sign of insomnia. Here are two tips to fall asleep quickly! On the opposite spectrum, sleeping in less than 5 minutes might have something to do with sleep deprivation.

staying awake at night
Do you suffer insomnia? Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Your sleep is deep

While the 8-hours-a-day sleeping pattern works as a thumb rule for most people, it is important to acknowledge that getting deep sleep is the goal here. During the deep sleep or Non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM) stage, brain activity is minimal, your muscles relax, and the body heals and repairs itself.

3. You don’t need an alarm to wake up

If you maintain a regular sleep-wake schedule, there must have been times when you stirred up at your normal time on a holiday, even though there was no alarm to snooze. That’s because your body has its own biological clock. So, if you are fulfilling the sleeping requirements of your body, you’ll find it easy to wake up at a fixed time on your own.

4. Your sleep is unbroken

What happens when there’s an all-night party in the neighborhood and you wake up to the same song at 5 different points in the night? Grumpy becomes your middle name! Undisturbed sleep is necessary to slide into the NREM stage of sleep we just discussed. So, make sure that you sleep in a quiet environment.

Do you remember your dreams? Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. You do not remember your dreams

Studies show that you’re more likely to remember your dreams if you are stressed and not sleeping properly. However, we should add that the ability to remember dreams also depends on genetics and other factors.

6. You wake up with energy in the morning

If you feel energetic and youthful, very much like a spring, your hit to the hay was a smashing success. For all those who wake up feeling groggy, here are some tips to overcome laziness.

3 tips for better quality sleep

Now that you know what a good sleep looks or feels like, we have a bonus for you. Let’s learn 3 tips from Subah Saraf to help you sleep tight if you’re a light sleeper!

1. Sleep in pitch darkness. If there is light in the room, your brain will not switch off.
2. Dip your feet in a tub of hot water for 15 minutes before sleeping.
3. Practice Yoga Nidra. This will help relax each part of your body and lull into a peaceful sleep.

On that note, wishing you sweet – but forgetful – dreams!





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About the Author

Simran Singh is a budding writer and has a keen interest in the medical field. ...Read More

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