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Here are 5 things you can do at home for quick relief from migraines

Migraines can make going about your day really difficult. And so if you have been looking for home remedies for migraine, then these science-backed tricks can offer quick relief.
home remedies for migraine
Ease your migraine symptoms with these home remedies. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Dr Lovneet Batra Updated: 13 Oct 2023, 05:12 pm IST
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It is not possible to focus on your day-to-day activities when headaches become a constant affair.  Migraine is the third most prevalent illness, affecting 12% of the worlds’ population according to the Migraine Research Foundation.

The symptoms may even include nausea and sensitivity to bright lights and high-pitched sounds. One of the most effective ways of tackling migraines is by avoiding triggers like lack of sleep, bright lights, loud sounds, and stress.

Foods that may trigger migraine include chocolate, caffeine, red wine, MSG, and nitrates found in processed meats such as hot dogs and salami.

But if despite your best efforts, you find yourself in the clutches of a horrible migraine headache, then try these natural remedies to ease the debilitating symptoms and pain:

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1. Lavender essential oils
Lavender helps to ease the pain. According to a study, migraine patients reported a significant reduction in symptoms after inhaling lavender for 15 minutes.

It also helps you sleep better, making it a boon for migraine sufferers since a regular sleep schedule helps in preventing migraines.

It also releases stress, one of the most common triggers of migraine, helping muscles relax and relieving pain.

home remedies for migraine
Trust lavender oil’s magic to treat your migraine. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Butterbur
This herb has been proven to be effective remedy for migraine pain relief. Studies found that taking butterbur extract reduced the number and intensity of headaches in subjects.

Petasin and isopetasin are two substances found in butterbur that help in reducing inflammation that further prevents migraine as well as reduces headaches. However, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid use of butterbur.

3. Hydration
It may sound too simple but it is one of the most effective natural remedies for headaches. Often overlooked, dehydration is a common trigger for migraine. It leads to the loss of fluid from your brain that stimulates the pain receptors and can make an existing headache become worse—thus impairing the ability to focus and concentrate.

Drink plenty of fluids and keep those beverages with alcohol and caffeine to a minimum as these can dehydrate you further with their diuretic effect. If water consumption is a difficult goal to achieve then you can also eat your water through foods that have high water content such as fruits and vegetables. Don’t forget, dehydration is an avoidable migraine trigger.

4. Ginger
For centuries, ginger has been used as a natural remedy for pain, nausea, diarrhea, digestive issues, aches and pains. Ginger contains over 200 natural components in its oil, which is considered to contain anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea and antihistamine actions and hence supports in migraine management.

home remedies for migraine
A cup of steaming hot ginger tea will take your migraine away! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Ginger helps in eliminating nausea and vomiting, two common migraine symptoms. To benefit from this simple home remedy, you can rub fresh ginger root paste between eyebrows or on your forehead. You can also get pain relief by sipping on hot ginger tea.

5. Yoga
Yoga helps the body release endorphins i.e happy hormones that fight pain. It is a perfect exercise for the body, mind, and spirit. It helps in calming the nerves and relaxing the muscles by boosting blood circulation in the body and helping with better oxygenation that supports healthy energy and organ systems. Yoga also provides pain relief through decrease in muscle tension.

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About the Author

Lovneet Batra is one of Delhi’s most insightful nutritionist and columnist. She holds a BS and MS in Dietetics from Michigan State University and believes in a sustainable, ‘no deprivation’ approach to a meaningful, long-lasting lifestyle makeover. Going beyond fads & myths, she makes nutrition simple and straight. A nutritionist who believes good food and good health are best buddies, she begins her day with a “paneer paratha” for the breakfast because it keeps her happy, full and energized for the rest of the day. For her, nutrition is delicious & doable. ...Read More

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