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Every woman desires to have a safe, healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
Pregnancy is a natural and an amazing phenomenon. Here are a few suggestions and tips which every woman should know to have a healthy pregnancy.
Educate yourself about the changes your body undergoes as the pregnancy advances. Talk to your family, friends about their experiences. Learn about the do’s and don’ts, what to eat and how much to eat, ways to keep yourself happy, to have a safe and healthy journey with healthy baby. Also try to learn about how to take care of yourself and your baby post-delivery, and about breastfeeding.
Studies have reported that pregnancy complications are more prevalent in overweight or obese women as compared to women with a normal weight, Similarly higher incidence of complications have been reported in underweight women. Therefore, it is important to maintain a Body Mass Index (BMI) in the range of 19-25 for a healthy pregnancy.
Overall, there should be weight gain of 10-12 kg. Gaining appropriate amount of weight during pregnancy is important to have a healthy baby, easy pregnancy and delivery. It also becomes easier to come back to normal post-delivery. If increase in weight gain is less, then there could be chances of having low birth weight baby, intrauterine growth retardation and preterm delivery.
If weight gain is on the higher side, then chances of a big sized baby, gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension and operative delivery risk would also be high. In the first trimester of pregnancy, weight gain is not much as nausea, morning sickness, vomiting and acidity symptoms are very common. Most of the weight gain is during the second and early third trimester.
You can consider walking, swimming or prenatal exercises, as recommended by your treating doctor. Regular exercise will increase the blood circulation for a growing pregnancy. It will also help in digestion, prevent excess weight gain, reduce bloating, cramp and the risk of hypertension and gestational diabetes. It also reduces the duration of labour and chances of operative delivery.
This is equally important to have a healthy pregnancy and for the correct growth of the baby. On an average, you should have 6-8 hours sleep at night and a 2-hour break during the day. This also maintains adequate blood circulation and nutrition to the growing baby.
Follow your doctor’s advice sincerely, and visit the expert for checkups regularly. Get blood tests and ultrasound done on time to keep track of the baby’s growth. Check for fetal movements from 28 weeks of pregnancy onwards. There should be at least 10-12 movements per 10 hours. In case of any unusual symptoms or warning signs, consult your doctor immediately.
Enjoy your pregnancy and motherhood to the fullest. And involve your partner and family members in this exciting journey!
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