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Know about 5 breast conditions that are NOT cancerous at all

Benign breast conditions are way too common. So, before you misjudge a lump or an inverted nipple as a sign of breast cancer, read what the gynae has to say!
breast cancer prevention
Must see a gynae before you declare you have breast cancer. Image courtesy: Unsplash
Nikita Bhardwaj Updated: 24 Oct 2020, 11:08 am IST
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Have you ever had sleepless nights because of the fear of developing breast cancer? Of course, anyone would be. So, to ensure that you don’t fall prey to it, it is important that you self-regulate and examine your breast regularly. But before you do, we want you to bring your kind attention to some signs that can very well be misread as symptoms of breast cancer, but they aren’t.

So, here are five signs that are anything but breast cancer:

1. Pain in your breast can be due to several reasons

According to Dr Shilpa Ghosh, director, department of obs and gynecologist at Aakash Healthcare & Super Specialty Hospital, Delhi, pain in the breast can be because of various reasons. For example if you wear a tight or an ill- fitted bra, then also your boobs tend to hurt. Also, people with bigger breasts experience pain due to heaviness.

breast cancer prevention
Have you been experiencing breast pain during PMS? Don’t worry there are many reasons for it. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

“At times patients come to me in winter and complain of breast pain. That’s not because of something which is cancerous, but just because of a dip in temperature”, she says.

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2. Don’t mix up a non-cancerous fibroids or cyst lump with a cancerous one

At times you feel a lump in your breast and straight away predict it to be cancerous. But ladies it can also be because of fibrosis thickening. This also happens at the time of your period, Dr Ghosh explains. Once the periods are over, the thickening also vanishes.

“This happens due to hormonal changes,” she said.

In case of a simple cyst she suggests a lump is made due to fluid accumulation.

“If you get an ultrasound done, it shows a clear cyst with water. At times no treatment is needed. Only some painkillers are given to the patient”, she explains.

3. Fibroadenomas are commonly misread to be breast cancer

“It is also known as a breast mouse or breast marble. That’s because these small lumps keep on moving and that’s what leads to panic in women. These are majorly made of glandular and connective tissue. These can be more than one. But they are totally non-cancerous. An ultrasound is done to keep a check on them”,says Dr Ghosh.

She adds, “Fibroadenomas can be found in women of any age, but very common between 20s and 30s.”

4. Mastitis in lactating mother is another sign that can be misinterpreted

Basically, it is an infection of the breast, when your breast tends to swell up due to inflammation. In lactating mothers the milk gets collected in the breast which creates lumps. FYI, they are not cancerous. Having said that, if the milk in the breast gets infected, then mastitis can happen and it can be very painful.

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“Hot compress can be very helpful in clearing out the lumps. At times women face fever and flu-like symptoms during this condition. But in case of mastitis, you must visit your doctor”, she advises.

5. Duct ectasia – a benign breast condition

It is also known as mammary duct ectasia. In this condition, the milk ducts get widened and thickened. The ducts of your breast get dilated, which then leads to swelling, discharge, and inverted nipples. These are also very common signs of breast cancer, and that’s why women tend to get paranoid. In this case, a hot compress can provide some relief.

So ladies, if you feel something fishy about your breast, then do consult a gynae before you pass any judgment and stress about it.

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Six-pack abs are all that Nikita needs, along with her daily dose of green tea. At Health Shots, she produces videos, podcasts, stories, and other kick-ass content. ...Read More

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