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These post Covid-19 neurological complications can hamper daily lives

All sorts of long Covid symptoms have been seen among people who have recovered from the virus. Know about the neurological issues here.
post Covid symptoms
Lack of taste and smell are likely long Covid symptoms. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Dr. Anil Sofat Published: 25 Feb 2022, 11:04 pm IST
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The Covid-19 pandemic has directly touched the lives of several people across the world. And while there are ongoing debates and discussions about the impact of long-Covid-19 on cardiac health as well as our immunity in general, there is very little that is out there about the neurological aspects associated with the disease.

This is important, as neurologists across the country have been able to see different disorders in patients that had a severe bout of Covid-19. If you or any of your loved ones have just recovered from the virus and are facing issues, you must know of the following long Covid symptoms.

loss of smell
Loss of smell, or anosmia can be mind-numbing! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Long Covid symptoms: Neurological complications that may happen

1. Numbness/ Tingling sensation:

This occurs due to hyperactivity of the immune system which may target the nerves in the body resulting in conditions like lack of sensation at the body extremities like the fingers, toes, eyelids, etc. (polyneuropathy, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Miller Fisher syndrome) which may ultimately lead to paralysis of the body

2. Anosmia (reduced/ absent smell perception):

This is caused due to patients who suffered from cytokine storms. Cytokines regulate the immune response in the body however, large quantities of cytokines released into the body due is medical conditions like Covid-19 could also result in anosmia or lack of smell due to destruction of nerves as well as damage to blood vessels in the nasal passage

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3. Dysgeusia (reduced/ altered taste perception):

This is also caused due to cytokine storm or Miller Fisher syndrome – a rare condition of the nerve disease that results in difficulty in eye movement, limb movement, unsteadiness, etc.

4. Myalgias (muscle pain):

Increased condition could be caused due to fever, fatigue, discomfort, etc in the patient.

Other Issues: Some patients tend to present with sleep disorders, seizures, muscle in-coordination, mood disorders etc.

Also Read: Body ache due to Covid-19? Turn to these 5 foods for relief

muscle pain
Your muscles may pain more than before. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

How to treat neurological issues after Covid-19?

In many cases where there is nerve damage involved, a multi-modal treatment plan is required for the patient. Some of the patients have been shown to recover slowly from long Covid symptoms with the right treatment protocol and careful follow-up.

Rest is advised for patients with such conditions along with regular visits to the neurologist in such cases for optimal recovery depending on factors like age, comorbidities, continued care, etc.

Also Read: Tricks‌ ‌to‌ ‌identify‌ ‌and‌ ‌fix‌ ‌the‌ ‌neurological‌ ‌impact‌ ‌of‌ ‌‘long‌ ‌Covid-19’‌ ‌on‌ ‌your‌ ‌body‌ ‌

Careful monitoring will have to be continued for a long period to ensure that the patient recovers fully and can get back to normal life over time.

Hence, if you or your loved one has survived Covid-19, it is pertinent to be self-aware of all the changes you see in your body and monitor them consistently to catch any untoward condition early on. The sooner you consult, the treatment will be more effective, enabling better outcomes.

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About the Author

Dr. Anil Sofat MBBS, MD, MCh (Neurosurgeon) Ayu Health Hospitals ...Read More

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