Who would have thought that a simple habit like brushing your teeth can bestow good heart health to your parents. No, no we aren’t kidding–science says it too.
The study, published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology suggests that brushing your teeth three or more times a day was associated with a 10% lower risk of atrial fibrillation and a 12% lower risk of heart failure during ten-and-a-half year follow up.
Now that’s interesting! Well, do you know it’s not just your heart, but there are many other benefits that you can get by following this sweet little habit?
Don’t believe us? Then my lovely ladies you are in for a treat, because we have five health benefits that you and your family can fetch by just brushing your teeth.
1. Strike off your parents’ chances of getting a stroke
Yes, you heard it right. Brushing teeth regularly and maintaining good oral hygiene will their keep stroke at bay, according to a study published in The American Journal of Medicine.
2. Say no to pneumonia
Now this is just an insanely simple method to prevent this serious respiratory problem. Here’s how it helps: If you don’t brush your teeth regularly then the bacteria in the mouth travels to the lungs and the respiratory tract. No bacteria means lesser chances of getting pneumonia and other such problems–especially at an older age when their immunity is compromised. We aren’t saying it, the Journal of Periodontology is.
3. Maintain their weight while you’re at it!
Look at that bright smile! According to research, when you brush your teeth your brain receives the signal that mealtime is over and now its digestion time.
4. It can help ward off dementia
A study published in The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society says that those who brushed their teeth regularly have a reduced risk of getting dementia (by a whopping 65% that too!) than those who don’t. So, you better brush those teeth right.
5. Ladies save your man from erectile dysfunction
If your man is lazy about following a healthy oral regime then tell him this. A study published in the Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences claims that there is a considerable risk of erectile dysfunction if you are not keeping an oral hygiene check.
That’s it for the trivia today! But we hope you’ll encourage your family to inculcate this habit which can help beyond tooth decay.
So, it’s time to brush, gargle, floss, and repeat.
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