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Are your parents getting cranky lately? Here are 6 reasons why

We often assume that grumpiness is a part and parcel of ageing. But if you are dealing with cranky parents RN, then read this.
cranky parents
There is a reason why your mum is so grumpy these days. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Nikita Bhardwaj Published: 26 Jul 2020, 01:13 pm IST
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Are your parents becoming a little cranky lately? Do you find them to be emotionally overwhelmed, anxious, and sulking most of the times? Well, if you have seen a change in their behaviour, then you mustn’t ignore it.

With ageing, physical and mental changes are inevitable. At times, these changes gang up on our parents and make them grumpy and emotionally charged. That’s why you might see them getting panicky over small things. 

But what are these changes that are getting your parents all wound up? We delve into the top six:     

1. Menopause
We know that menopause comes with a lot of symptoms, and mood swings is one of them. If your mum is going through this phase then that could possibly be the reason why she’s grumpy all the time these days. You need to be mindful while dealing with her. Hear her out and understand her situation as it might be her hormones talking.

cranky parents
Menopause can be emotionally tiring. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Lack of physical exercise
Exercising helps in boosting mood, period! But if your parents are not active physically then that might trigger grumpiness. They might feel irritable and lazy. An inactive lifestyle might also lead to muscle stiffness and pain which can add up to their worries. You should talk to them and convince them to do some simple exercises like yoga and laughter therapy that will not just make them active but also keep their mental health in check.

3. Social distancing
According to Dr Sonal Anand, who is a psychiatrist at Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai, loneliness can also make your parents cranky. “For introverts, it might not be a problem to be socially inactive but those who are extroverted in nature feel the brunt of it. If they live away from their kids then the problem can also lead to depression in certain cases,” she adds.

She continues” “Going to a park or in today’s scenario staying connected with friends and family using technology becomes all the more important. This will also give them a vent out zone.”

4. Nutrient deficiency
Yes, you can definitely blame nutrients for your parent’s inner turmoil. According to nutritionist Dr Lovneet Batra, deficiencies of iron, B12, and vitamin D are seen in the elderly. This not just impacts their health but mood too. “You should include green leafy vegetables, lentils, fish, eggs, and meat in their diet. This will keep them energized and more oxygen will reach their brain and heart. Also, ask them to expose to sunlight for a vitamin D as it is good for their bone health too,” she says

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cranky parents
Add veggies in your parent’s diet to replenish their nutrients quotient. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Lack of rest
We always see our parents waking up early, doing all the household chores, and taking care of everyone. It might seem like they are always restless. That’s because ageing also changes their sleeping pattern. According to Dr Anand, the elderly need less sleep and at times they are unable to adjust with this change and get all fussy.

6. Too many health issues
There is no denying that ageing means health issues as slowly the body’s immune system starts getting weaker. Issues like diabetes, dementia, brittle bones, hypertension, etc tend to crop up as you age. And this at times makes them anxious thinking what’s happening to them.

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Now you know why your parents are behaving like this. So, do keep a close eye on them and any behavioural changes that you might be witnessing. And THE next time you see your parents stressed out or anxious just hug it out.

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Six-pack abs are all that Nikita needs, along with her daily dose of green tea. At Health Shots, she produces videos, podcasts, stories, and other kick-ass content. ...Read More

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