Resting for too long in the midst of Covid-19 infection can be painful as hell. That’s the reason why the Ministry of Ayush has released some yoga poses that coronavirus patients who are in home isolation can do for relief.
Cobra pose aka Bhujangasana: Lying too much on the bed can lead to immense pain in your lower back. To get rid of that, try doing cobra pose or bhujangasana. Wondering how many reps can help? Well, it depends from person to person. If you have the energy to exercise then you can do 15 to 20 reps. If you are low on energy then 5 to 8 reps will help in releasing the muscle tension. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Bridge pose aka Setu Bandhasana: Stiff bums are another concern when you rest a lot. To get rid of that nothing works better than a bridge pose. The best part is that bridge pose also works on your core so if you are worried about that belly fat then bridge pose will tackle that as well. You can do a bridge pose hold for 30 to 60 seconds and do 4 to 5 rounds of it. Image courtesy: Shutterstock