Wondering how to use mustard oil? Well, apart from cooking, you can use it for various other purposes. Here are 5 best ways to add it to your daily routine.
Best oil for hair growth: The very thought of using mustard oil can cause you to utter the word "ewww." After all, it has a strong smell! But your hair is going to love it! Since it produces heat and helps to increase blood circulation, it helps stimulate hair growth. Additionally, it strengthens and nourishes your hair while treating a number of hair problems. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Beneficial for skin: Mustard oil has a lot to offer for your skin. It contains a number of vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids, and alpha linolenic acid, all of which can help minimize the appearance of dark spots and acne scars, enhance skin tone, and completely hydrate your skin to make it soft and supple. At night, you can put it directly on your skin; in the morning, wash your face. Your skin will recover as a result over night. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Use it for cooking: Choosing the right cooking oil can help your overall health. The fact that mustard oil is abundant in essential vitamins, minerals, and omega 3 fatty acids makes it a necessity in the kitchen. Additionally, it contains less saturated fat. Along with enhancing taste and flavour, it also treats a variety of conditions affecting the skin, hair, joints, muscles, and heart. Therefore, it is ideal for cooking! Image courtesy: Shutterstock