Butt exercises to tone your glute and thighs

Published on:1 September 2023, 01:43pm IST

Are you looking for ways to lose extra fat from your glutes and thighs? If yes, here are 5 effective and easy-to-do butt exercises that you can include in your daily workout.

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Exercises to lose butt fat: Do you want to lose the extra fat from your butt? While spot reduction is a myth, you can add some exercises to your daily workout to lose fat from around your hips. If you're looking for ways to tone your butt, you can include these exercises in your workout routine. Image courtesy: Adobe stock

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Squats: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your back straight. Tighten your butt and lower down, like you were sitting on a chair. Make sure your heels and toes are pressed down on the ground, with your chest up and shoulder back. Repeat the movement at least 15 times. Do 4 sets of squats. Image courtesy: Adobe stock

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Lunges: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your back straight. Take your left leg forward so that it is ahead of your torso and the right leg is behind. Lower yourselfby bending your knees to 90 degrees. Keep your core engaged and return to the initial position. Do 4 sets of 15 repetitions on each side. Image courtesy: Adobe stock

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Spot running: Stand straight with your torso straight and shoulders back. Now bend your right elbow so that your forearm is in front of you. Next, lift one leg up and alternate theleg with a slight bounce to your step. Make sure that you maintain a steady position. Keep alternating legs and do this for at least 1 minute in the beginning. Do it at least 4 times. Image courtesy: Adobe stock

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Side-lying leg lifts: Lie down on your right side on a mat. Make sure your hips and feet are stacked with your right hand placed under your head and your left hand placed in frontof you. Now, lift your leg slowly by keeping your hips as straight as possible. Lower your leg back to the initial position. Do 4 sets of 25 repetitions on each side to complete the exercise. Image courtesy: Adobe stock

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Glute kickback: Get on all fours on a mat, keeping your hips over your knees and hands under your shoulders. Keep your back straight with your core engaged and pelvis slightly tucked. Extend your right leg to bring your thigh parallel to the ground. Squeeze your right butt and hold the position for a few seconds. Return to the initial position and repeat on the left side. Do 2-3 sets of 20-25 repetitions on each side. Image courtesy: Adobe stock