Beware! These everyday things can trigger acid reflux

Updated on:9 November 2022, 12:11pm IST

Acid reflux or heartburn can cause grave discomfort. Some lifestyle problems are to be blamed for most cases of this condition. Here's what you need to look out for!

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Being overweight or obese: The sphincter muscle at the lower end of your oesophagus relaxes at the wrong time to cause acid reflux, which causes stomach acid to back up into your oesophagus. Being overweight or obese decreases the pressure that holds the sphincter closed, which leads to acid reflux. So, try to keep your weight in check with exercise and eat a healthy diet.

Avoid acidic foods and beverages Acidic foods and beverages soften the outer layer of teeth (enamel) which makes them prone to decay and erosion. So watch your diet and try to rinse with water or mouthwash after eating acidic foods. 2/6

Eating acidic foods: Ever experienced heartburn after eating a certain food? There are certain foods that trigger acid reflux, including fatty foods, spicy food, tomatoes, onions,garlic, coffee, tea, alcohol, chocolate and mint. Try to limit these foods from your diet if you want to mitigate the risk of acid reflux. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

A woman saying no to aerated drinks to avoid acid reflux 3/6

Drinking carbonated drinks: Carbonated drinks contain components that send acid into your oesophagus, creating a burning sensation. It makes you uncomfortable and can worsen your GERD symptoms. Avoid drinking these drinks if you want to avoid another episode of acid reflux.

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Smoking: A study published in the journal Gut found that cigarette smoking can provoke acid reflux, exacerbating the symptoms. So, smoking weakens the sphincter, which is the muscular valve that protects the oesophagus from these acids. Several studies have found that smoking cessation can reduce the symptoms of acid reflux.

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Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

Moving too fast 6/6

Moving too fast: While light walking after dinner can reduce blood sugar, vigorous activity post dinner can trigger heartburn! A strenuous workout, especially one that puts pressure on your oesophagus, can trigger acid reflux. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock