7 safety reminders amid Omicron scare

Published on:18 December 2021, 04:02pm IST

The rising cases of Covid-19, especially its Omicron variant, are a sign that we need to move out with caution. Here are 7 key reminders for you that this is not the time to let your guard down!

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Always wear a face mask when stepping outside your home! Face masks protect you from the gems and bacteria in the surroundings as well as from the deadly coronavirus. According tothe World Health Organization, wearing masks around other people needs to become a normal part of our life. “The appropriate use, storage and cleaning or disposal of masks are essential to make them as effective as possible,” notes the WHO. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

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Practicing good respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes or coughing/sneezing into your elbow/upper sleeves, prevent the spread of the disease. Not only Covid-19, but the spread of germs and bacteria carrying other contagious diseases can also be paused. It stops the spread of coronavirus in work spaces and crowded places. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

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Washing hands with soap and running water is of critical importance. To stop the spread of Covid-19, the practice of handwashing at regular intervals is a must, apart from other protocols. Wash hands especially after coughing or sneezing, when caring for the sick, after using the toilet, before eating, while preparing food, after touching common surfaces such as door knobs or handles, or after visiting a public place, the WHO advises. Practice hand hygiene at home and in public places. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

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Regularly cleaning and disinfecting your surroundings like your work space and home surroundings, apart from cleaning your hands and feet regularly can reduce the spread of Covid-19. Cleaning with products containing soap or detergent reduces germs on surfaces. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

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Avoid the practice of regularly touching your face. Don’t rub your eyes, or touch your nose, mouth or ears. To prevent infection, keep your hands away from your face. As we know, our hands carry the most infection. So, you need to regularly sanitize your hands. The spread of virus can be curtailed to half if we stop this practice. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

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Practice the habit of following distances of at least 4-6 feet between people in public places. According to WHO, “Maintaining a distance of minimum 1 metre has limited the spreadof Covid-19 in crowded places or in groups”. Hence for the sake of protecting yourself and others, it is advisable to maintain a safe distance. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

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Staying home while you're sick is the best way to prevent the spread of the disease. If you’re experiencing even the simplest symptom of Covid-19, staying isolated will be a greatstep in restricting the spread of coronavirus - or any other infection that you may have. Image courtesy: Shutterstock