We all love to binge on our favourite snacks during the monsoon, don’t we? But all excellent things come at a price. So, for the sake of your health, remember these 7 foods to avoid in monsoon.
Seafood and fish: Fish typically reproduce during the monsoon season, which renders fish and seafood vulnerable to being carriers. There is a higher risk of water contamination during this time. Therefore, it is better to refrain from consuming shellfish and fish during the monsoon. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Dairy products: It is recommended to consume dairy products in moderation during the monsoon season as the digestive system becomes very sensitive to sedentary lifestyle or digestive problems. Those with sinusitis should avoid dairy products like curd, as this can make their cough and cold worse. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Raw or undercooked food: Eating raw food gives you immediate access to germs that can eventually harm your health. Meals are cooked to help kill dangerous microorganisms. As a result, the peak season for bacterial and viral infections is when raw and uncooked food are consumed. Image courtesy: Shutterstock