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5 yoga poses to prevent obesity

Published on:8 July 2022, 02:15pm IST

The lockdown world made all of us quite used to a sedimentary and lazy life. Because of this, obesity is a health condition that is increasing all over. Try these 5 yoga poses to prevent obesity and aid weight loss.

Trikonasana for fat loss 1/5

The angle pose has many variations. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

yoga for IBS 2/5

Are you trying to find the finest strategy for losing tummy fat? Dhanurasana strengthens the thighs, chest, and back while massaging the abdominal organs and enhancing digestion. Your entire body will be stretched, and enhanced blood circulation will help to strengthen and tone your muscles. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

yoga poses to prevent obesity 3/5

Adho Mukha Svanasana tones your whole body with a little extra attention to specific muscles. Your arms, legs, hamstrings, and back are all strengthened as a result. Your muscles are engaged and toned as you hold this position while focusing on your breathing, which also enhances your focus and blood circulation. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Bridge pose for sleep 4/5

Bridge exercise helps to ease back discomfort by building up your back muscles. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Warrior 3 pose 5/5

Warrior pose can help increase your focus and concentration!