Can yoga help kids deal with back-to-school stress? Let’s find out

With conversations around schools reopening, how can the transition back to normal life be made more seamless for kids? Yoga is the answer!
meditation for children
Ensure that your child indulges in activities for physical and mental health. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Published On: 7 Sep 2021, 04:56 pm IST
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The global coronavirus pandemic has affected school-going children in a major way. It has disrupted the schedules of so many children, leaving them confined to their homes and digital screens for their education. For over a year now, students across the globe have missed out on the freedom to run around and play outside. Unfortunately, this has caused them significant mental distress. Children who are yet to understand the consequences of a global pandemic suffered much more during the lockdown, as they did not quite comprehend this sudden shift in their regular routine.

However, as schools have begun to reopen, it is essential that your child can easily get back to school life. Yoga is the solution, we say!

Yoga is your child’s best friend

Practising yoga regularly can help your child become physically and mentally strong. With time, he/she will be in a better position to interact with peers in a social setting once again. Yoga helps to remove any anxiety, stress or negative emotions, and instead, instills one with positive energy and confidence. This is essential to consider, especially while returning to school after such a long break.

Simple. but effective yoga asanas can help soothe kids. Image courtesy: Grand Master Akshar

Transition from virtual to real life

After spending month on month before a digital screen, children finally have the chance to go back to school and play with their friends. Practising yoga increases mindfulness and awareness regarding the self, and this can help kids transition smoothly back to real life. In this way, they can enjoy spending time with their friends and teachers. Just like how in the practice of yoga, we flow from one posture to another; similarly in life, we should be able to move smoothly from one season to another.

Yoga strengthens the nervous system

Yoga practices like adi mudra, surya mudra, and linga mudra are powerful mudras that help in strengthening the nervous system.

Also Read: Teach your kids these 5 yoga poses for a healthy future

Breathing exercises will help your kids to be calm. Image courtesy: Grand Master Akshar
Yoga builds immunity

Be it surya namaskar, various postures or the pranayama techniques, each of these allows the body to become strong and capable of fighting against any illness or disease. Yoga ensures that your child remains protected and safe from catching any infections with heightened immunity. 

As adults, it is easy for us to understand why we need to remain in quarantine. No wonder, we take all the requisite steps required for our well-being, but children are not fully mature and might find this quite challenging. Be around to help them in every possible way!

About The Author
Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar
Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar is an internationally acclaimed Spiritual yogic master. He is the founder, chairman, and course director of Akshar Yoga and president of World Yoga Organisation. He is also the President of the International Siddha Foundation.

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