Having a newborn baby is no child’s play. For one, your body undergoes several changes that make you feel different than earlier. And most importantly, you are now in charge of a new life. All of this can be really stressful, more so when you are living in unprecedented times like these. Covid-19 has taken a toll on both our mental and physical health, and it isn’t easy in any way to be a new mom at this point.
But relax ladies, we have your back. There are a few tips you can follow to handle the situation better, and to give us advice, we have Dr Rashmi Tarachandani with us, a senior physician who has an extensive experience of over 20 years.
So without further ado, let’s learn about a few tips for new moms that can help.
For most new mothers, the postpartum period is particularly difficult. You may feel exhausted or completely drained and that’s normal, so don’t worry at all.
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“Take some help from your partner or your close family. This is a time when most people are afraid of calling their house helps home due to fear of covid-19. If you are one of those, then it’s time to voice your needs. If you continue to do all the housework on your own, along with handling a newborn, it’s going to take a toll on you. So, it is better to be smart than sorry,” she says.
During covid-19, it might get difficult to physically meet your friends and family, and that can be very hard, especially for a new mom. How about taking advantage of technology and sharing your innermost feelings with your loved ones?
“One can set up zoom calls or chat with their friends and family over the phone. Social distancing is important, but that does not mean one isolates themselves completely from their loved ones. A virtual meet-up is always possible. At the end of the day, what matters is connecting with people who are close to you,” says Dr Rashmi.
It is important to be careful at this point, but remember stepping outdoors to get some fresh air and exercise might be therapeutic for the new mom. That being said, maintain six feet distance from people and practice social distancing. With all these precautions in place, it is completely safe for a new mother to spend some time in nature.
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“You might think all your time is now for the baby, but if you don’t take care of yourself, how will you handle your newborn? That’s why it is important to invest time in self-care. You could take some time off to read your favourite book, or practise mindfulness, or even take a little nap every afternoon. Your mental health is important as much as physical health,” advises Dr Rashmi.
So follow these tips for new moms and enjoy motherhood even during these troubled times!
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