If you’re reading this article, chances are that you’ve opened it on your smartphone. Yes! I am a psychic. Or maybe, being a writer comes with the need to constantly check analytics to spot the sources of maximum readership. Hence, I know where you came from.
The analytics, along with some of my very frequent ‘observations’ made it less surprising when I came across a 2018 study that found that an average millennial picks up the smartphone 150 times a day.
About my ‘observations’ now, which I’m sure won’t sound unfamiliar to you: Family members drowned in their phones at family gatherings; people constantly checking their phones for notifications and social media—even during conversations; and the ‘I love you sona babu’ banters of people who refuse to let go of their phones—even while crossing roads and driving.
Clearly, smartphones are wrecking our attention spans
If you don’t trust what you see every day, you will sure as hell trust the outcomes of a heavy-duty research led by Jeremy Marty-Dugas of the University of Waterloo which says:
Unconsciously using smartphones can lead to attention problems in our daily lives—thanks to our mind wandering elsewhere.
Perhaps, your best friend’s best friend’s best friend’s cousin’s best friend’s dreamy wedding pictures made you think the clock’s ticking away for you or those Snapchat stories from someone’s party last night induced a major FOMO. Or a new girl in your crush’s pictures and failure to cross the 80th level in Candy Crush crushed your heart and hopes. And the lack of likes and comments on your display picture have taken your sleep away.
The result? Disturbance, disturbance, and disturbance in your paradise
With easy access to social media, stupid games, and calls and texts, the mind’s got so many distractions, right? No wonder, that the wandering mind can commit so many errors and can’t even sit through a conversation without being distracted!
Your inattentive mind commits one mistake and you can walk out the door of your office and your partner’s life with a smartphone in your hand. A study conducted at Hankamer School of Business, Baylor University confirms that smartphones can actually impact your relationships quite negatively and make you more depressed as a result of your attention spans being wrecked.
Let’s just say that you might still recover from the “depression” from all those happy pictures on social media, think about losing some valuable relationships to your not-so-valuable smartphones!
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