The burden of making New Year resolutions comes and goes every year! In the excitement of the new year, we get overwhelmed and set multiple goals at a time. But we forget that achieving what we aim for isn’t a cakewalk. To achieve them, you must put in more effort and have a lot of motivation and dedication. If you find yourself failing at sticking to your New Year resolutions, let us tell you why it happens.
There must be a number of goals floating in your mind as New Year 2023 dawns. But hold on, do you want to make the same mistakes you did in 2022? To help you understand why people fail to achieve their New Year resolutions, Health Shots got in touch with Dr Sunita Dube of Aryan Hospital.
Did you know that setting unrealistic expectations is not the best approach to achieving fitness or health goals. Do not set goals that are impossible to achieve It is good to aim for the stars. But setting unrealistic expectations will not help you go a long way.
Aim high, but take small steps. Think of it as a tall ladder. It is not possible to jump from the bottom to the top. So, one step at a time and try to stick to the plan as doing so can help you in the long run. For example, going on a restrictive diet for weight loss is not an effective or sustainable plan. Instead, you can work on reducing your consumption of high-calorie, junk foods, while loading up on fiber and other essential nutrients. Taking small steps toward weight loss can help you to get back in shape.
Before setting your goals, prioritize what is important for you and which task you will undertake on priority. Don’t forget to maintain a work-life balance with that. Don’t be harsh on yourself.
Also read: 5 yoga asanas to help you stick to your New Year’s resolution to get fit
Strive for growth, be prepared to face challenges, and accept that there will be days when you will not feel motivated to work out or follow the diet or workout routine or anything else. Try to tackle obstacles in your way and work towards your goals without getting disheartened.
Try to identify the situation when you tend to pressure yourself. You also need to appreciate what you have accomplished so far. Be kind to yourself, and don’t expect too much. Work slowly and you will surely get good results.
Never give up
In addition to these causes, many people give up on their New Year resolutions too soon because they believe they will not succeed. When you feel like giving up, try to recall the reasons why you are pursuing that particular goal, remind yourself that you can do it, and have a clear vision. That self-belief sets you on the path to success!
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