Happier moms, happier babies! Keep mental health in check during pregnancy, says expert

Your mental health and mood can have a direct impact on your baby, and so, it is all the more important to be calm, relaxed and happy during pregnancy.
post natal recovery
Staying happy helps during postnatal recovery. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock
Dr Meeta Chawhan Published: 7 Oct 2021, 11:35 am IST
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Pregnancy is the most beautiful journey in a woman’s life, very real yet surreal, joyous yet a bit daunting, culminating into another life with an unlimited potential for themselves and others. The changes a woman undergoes and the efforts she implements during the 9 months helps her enjoy this period and do the best for the best of outcome. The experiences and mental health of the woman during pregnancy and throughout are of utmost importance for the well-being of both the mother and her child. It is a key time to be caring for the mothers’ mind and mental attitude.

mental health
Happy you leads to a happy baby! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

To reiterate, pregnancy is not a disease to be treated with medication. It’s an extension of one’s healthy well-being – healthy in the head and healthy in the body. The emphasis should be on being healthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Modern times with its fast pace of life and all the advancements, with its belief and dependency on short cuts and quick fixes add to the mental stress in pregnancy which have a negative effect on both the mother and the pregnancy outcome. 

We need to move our focus from a very medicine-centric to a holistic approach for better management. Let us take a step back and revisit the healthier way of improving mental health which directly affects the pregnancy progress. Happier moms, happier babies.


Neuroscientific studies have proven that meditation of any form helps pregnant women keep their stress down and their spirits up. It helps cultivate attention and awareness, and reduces anxiety and negative feelings like hostility, depression, stress, and anxiety. It gives them the tools to navigate complex emotions that wouldn’t budge, even in the face of the most reassuring reading material. They experience stronger and more frequent positive feelings, such as enjoyment, gratitude, and hope.

Yoga and exercise

Yoga provides holistic health benefits for to-be-mother.

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  • It helps keep the body supple.
  • It helps you to breathe deeply and relax consciously and alleviate the effect of common symptoms such as morning sickness, painful leg cramps, swollen ankles, and constipation.
  • It reduces tension and anxiety, helps regulate blood pressure and deeply relaxes every cell in the body, calms and relaxes the mind, maintains the body temperature and enhances the oxygen supply which helps with the baby’s growth.
  • Exercise helps maintain balanced weight, blood pressure and sugars making the pregnancy healthier and the journey easier.
mental health
Make exercise a must during pregnancy not just for your physical but also mental health. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Faith and beliefs

Faith can be of help to most people giving them the strength to do the best they can, and to withstand the ups and downs of pregnancy with positivity.

Music therapy and hobbies

Listening to music can calm your mind and uplift your mood, which in turn helps lower your stress and anxiety. It can improve sleep quality and is beneficial in improving prenatal anxiety, reducing depression during pregnancy along with stress. It has a calming and relaxing effect and can lower both the heart rate and blood pressure


Reiki is a Japanese touch therapy that can promote healing. It operates on the belief that everything in the universe is made up of energy and this life force energy flows around us and through us nourishing our cells, organs, and glands. When one’s energy is low, imbalanced, or restricted by stress, injury, or illness, we are more susceptible to discomfort, further illness and disease. When one’s energy is high or balanced, one is more likely to feel relaxed and the body’s own innate healing abilities are awakened and utilized for healing. Chakra cleansing and activating makes the energy system powerful, thereby improving stress, anxiety, societal pressure, nausea, mood swings and sleep deprivation. In addition to deep relaxation, Reiki can promote a reduction in muscle tension and pain. It can promote accelerated wound healing and wellness and a greater sense of well-being. 

mental health
Keep your tummy happy with nutritious things, mummy to be! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Right kind of natural food including antioxidants and micro-nutrients plays a very important role in managing one’s mental and emotional balance and responses during pregnancy. 

The natural antioxidants from plant materials mainly polyphenols, carotenoids, potassium and vitamins E and C increase the levels of serotonin which is directly related to the feeling of happiness and peace. It reduces the possibility of miscarriage, preeclampsia and IUGR and asthma exacerbations.

Let the journey of nine months be a positive change in your lifestyle and thought process.

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About the Author

Dr Meeta ChawhanSenior Consultant, Obstetrician and GynaecologistCloudnine Group of Hospitals, Bengaluru (Whitefeild) ...Read More

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