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Heal your broken heart after a breakup with these 7 ways

If you've just ended up getting your heart broken, here's a relationship expert telling you how to get over a breakup faster!
Help your hear to heal. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Pooja Khera
Published On: 10 Apr 2022, 05:00 pm IST

Let’s face it, breakups are hard. In fact they are a common traumatic experience in our lives and yet so underrated. People openly talk about them and sympathize, but because breakups are are so common, people tend to minimize how deeply hurtful and damaging a break up can be. If you are looking how to get over breakup easily, let us help you heal!

Breakups can often change everything you get so accustomed to. So many questions, so much self-doubt comes and at one point you begin to wonder how will you recover from the heart break or in fact, will you even ever recover from it?

heal after a breakup
A breakup could happen for multiple reasons. Don’t lose yourself in the process. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

The answer is YES, your heart will heal, you will move on. Now while there are scientific reasons and advice to heal from a breakup, but since the matters of the heart are so complicated and intrinsic, it is better to cast a wider net and look for some other impactful ways to heal your heart.

7 tips on how to get over a breakup

Here are my most recommended 7 tips that will help you recover from a breakup sooner while you wait for the “until it doesn’t moment”.

1. Stop telling yourself it’s your fault:

The worst thing we tend to do after a breakup is feel like it’s all our fault. While it’s totally normal to want to know what really happened, it is absolutely counter-productive to entertain all the what-ifs. Instead of trying to re-write the story in your head, focus on what you have learnt and how you can grow from the experience.

2. Take the time to accept and let it out:

Grieving does not have a calendar but even before you can grieve, you need to accept that the relationship is over. Take all the time you need to grieve, take time off if needed but grieve. Let it out even if it means you need to cry. You don’t have to have a “prescribed way” to grieve, it’s your emotion and you choose to process it your way. Yell, scream, cry or do whatever it is but let it out.

3. Build a support system for yourself:

Reach out to friends and family to share with them. Talk to them about what and how you are feeling. The important thing to remember is that they have their limits as well. Don’t overburden them with your grief. If you feel talking to them is not helping, speak to a relationship coach or a therapist. They will not only be able to help you get over a breakup, but they also will you to recognize your own behavioural patterns that need work so your future relationships can be happier and healthier.

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how to heal from breakup
Having a strong support system will help to get over a breakup. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

4. Take up a hobby or passion:

Relationships take a majority of our time as we want to spend the maximum time together with our partners. Add to it the demands of daily life, most of the times we give up our passions or hobby. Pick that passion or hobby back up. Did you always want to learn baking? What about that dance class you could never go? That foreign language you wanted to learn? Or whatever else it maybe, start that again and give it the time and attention it needs. Not only will it give you an increased sense of self-worth and accomplishment, it also releases Oxytocin- the feel good hormone. But remember, moderation is the key here.

5. Self- love is the best love:

Breakups are the right time to do all the self-care rituals you always wanted. The things you earlier considered splurging, do them now. Consider upgrading or changing your wardrobe, a change of hairstyle, getting yourself pampered at a spa- anything that boosts your sense of yourself and gives you comfort and pride.

6. Be open to meet new people:

A research suggests that it takes people three to six months to test dating waters again. Don’t indulge in casual sex or rebounds. It will only make you feel worst. Take it slow and steady.

set boundaries
You need to be clear about setting emotional boundaries with your ex. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

7. Establish clear boundaries:

Getting in touch with the ex, staying connected on social media or trying reconciliations which will only hurt you more is an absolute NO. Block your ex from social media, disconnect completely and fully if you want to truly move on for a fresh start. Remember, healing cannot happen from the same place the hurt came from

Breakups can make you feel totally out of control and suck your mojo out. While there is no fixed formula on healing from a breakup, these steps will surely help you to feel more empowered and soothed. But remember, the clouds clear out even after the most devastating rainfall. Give yourself the right attention, follow these tips and I’m confident you will be able to see more positive growth in your life.

Disclaimer: At Health Shots, we are committed to providing accurate, reliable, and authentic information to support your health and well-being. However, the content on this website is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for personalised advice regarding your specific medical condition or concerns.

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About The Author
Pooja Khera
Pooja Khera

Pooja Khera is a coach of happiness and wellbeing (Certified by the University of Yale), relationship and dating coach and tarot expert.

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