5 ways to do a digital detox without completely cutting yourself off

Digital detox is the need of the hour. So, it's important we literally switch off our smartphones and spend some time by ourselves..
You need to indulge in a digital detox once in a while.
You need to indulge in a digital detox once in a while. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Gurpreet Kaur
Published On: 4 Jul 2022, 06:56 pm IST

In today’s day and age, can you think of living without your smartphone? Well, most of us certainly cannot as we all want to be connected to our friends and family through calls and FaceTime sessions. The same is the case of constant usage of laptops and digital devices, which are needed for work, especially in the post-pandemic world.

Nonetheless, excessive technology use can take away your time that can be devoted to activities such as sleep, exercise, and socialising, which are inherently important for one’s well-being. However, have you ever wondered if too much technology is good or not, and if digital detox is the ideal solution to it? Let’s not forget, too much of technology is often linked to attention-deficit symptoms, social isolation, impaired brain development, and even disrupted sleep and life in some cases.

digital detox
You can calm your mind, even in this era of digitalization. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

How can digital detox help?

Eminent psychiatrist Dr Samir Parikh, Director of the Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences, Fortis Healthcare, tells Health Shots, “Digital detox means you are taking regular breaks from any form of digital interface. Depending upon your work, it means you can reduce technology use and balance it with your life. Digital detox also means avoiding long engagements on digital devices, like you take a break for 5-10 minutes every hour while working or take a couple of hours every day while working.”

Also, read: Digital detox is the need of the hour. Save your soul with these 6 tips

He further explains that there are two kinds of times we are spending on digital devices. “First is the active mandatory time that you cannot avoid, like talking on the phone or using a laptop while working. However, if between two important work calls, you randomly start scrolling or randomly texting someone, that is something that can easily be stopped. Instead, you can utilize that time to wrap up work so that you are free in the evening for other things,” he adds.

Ways in which you can practice digital detox

According to Dr Parikh, here’s how you can do practice it:

1. Make sure to limit your screen time and not use phones for longer durations, especially if there’s no need for it as it would only put added pressure on your life.

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2. Every couple of hours, insist on doing something that is not digital. Balance your screen time with other activities such as art, reading, working out, and social networking. Your work-life balance will dictate the nature of digital detox eventually.

Prioritise your health, not your smartphone. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

3. Switch off the phone after work and switch it on the next morning. Keep it away for the evening and night in order to spend quality time with friends and family.

4. Try for no usage of devices before bedtime for a substantial period.

5. Take mini breaks from your phone and digital devices. For instance, if you are going for a walk, avoid taking your phone or smartwatch, and just enjoy the walk. Use them only once you are back.

Disclaimer: At Health Shots, we are committed to providing accurate, reliable, and authentic information to support your health and well-being. However, the content on this website is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for personalised advice regarding your specific medical condition or concerns.

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About The Author
Gurpreet Kaur
Gurpreet Kaur

A lifestyle journalist with a perennial hunger for all nice things in life - from fashion to food and different cultures. When she is not writing in her favourite coffee spot, she spends her time socializing with people or exploring different cities.

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