The power of positive thinking: Here’s how it can make you healthier

Positive thinking is not only good for your mental health but it can also keep you fit physically. We’re not saying it, science is!
Did you focus on the blue or yellow? Well, focusing on blues can actua;lly harm your health. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Team Health Shots Published: 12 May 2020, 02:49 pm IST
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In this fast-paced and competitive world, we are often flooded with thoughts that keep our minds occupied. However, not all that we think is positive. We tend to ponder on stressful things that end up weighing heavily on our physical and mental health.

However, breaking this cycle of negative thoughts and inculcating positive thinking could play a major role in enhancing the mental as well as physical health of people.

According to a study by Johns Hopkins Medicine, people with a family history of heart disease who had a positive outlook towards life were one-third less likely to have a heart attack or other cardiovascular event than those with a more negative outlook.

What is positive thinking?
Positive thinking simply means approaching life’s challenges with a positive outlook. A person who thinks positively focuses more on the good and brighter side in people as well as situations.

positive thinking
Amongst other things, positive thoughts can help you deal with challenges better. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

The many benefits of positive thinking
There are several benefits of positive and optimistic thinking. Wondering what are they? Here’s your answer:

Longer life span: According to Johns Hopkins, people who have a history of heart disease in the family but think positively are one-third less likely to have a heart attack or any other cardiovascular disease.

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Boosts immunity: One of the key ways to keep your immune system strong is to think positively. Your immune system functions properly and fights off all diseases when you think positively.

We’re not the ones saying this; science backs it up. A meta-analysis of 300 studies over 30 years conducted by the University of Kentucky, USA found that negative thinking changes the body’s immune functioning. Positive thinking, on the other hand, helps boost the body’s immunity.

Lowers blood pressure: One of the main causes of high blood pressure is too much stress. If we think positively, we tend to stress less and our blood pressure remains under control.

In a collaborative study published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, researchers found an association between high positive emotion and lower blood pressure among the elderly.

mental health
Positive thinking can also help you be stress free. Image courtesy: Shutterstock.

Stress management: The more positively you think, the less stressed you are. Scientists have found that positive thinking enables you to look at the brighter side of every situation. Less stress will keep your overall health under control and help you stay fit.

How you can incorporate positive thinking in your life

Gratitude Journal:
According to a study by Wright State University School of Medicine, writing down the things one is grateful for can improve optimism and sense of well-being.

journaling for mental health
Pen down all your thoughts right now and journal your way to positive thinking! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Smile: Smiling can do wonders! No matter how stressful the work is, doing it with a smile exudes positivity and shows that you are optimistic about it.

Highlight your strengths: To remain positive, you should keep recalling your strengths and work towards honing them. Try ways to use your strength in your daily activities to keep negativity at bay.

Positive thinking helps you make better life decisions and concentrate on long-term goals while making sure your body stays healthy to see through all of the efforts you put into your work as well as personal relations.

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