Chandigarh-born Harnaaz Sandhu is the toast of the town, after having brought home the Miss Universe crown after an unbelievable 21 years! The model and actress has also garnered praise from India’s beauty queens, Sushmita Sen, Lara Dutta Bhupathi, and Priyanka Chopra. They have all lauded Sandhu for “believing in herself” and fighting against all odds to be where she is. Her victory has naturally sparked interest in her life and everything she did to prepare for this win.
As a participant in the Miss Diva competition, this is what she shared in her opening statement, “From a young girl with fragile mental health who faced bullying and body shaming, to a woman who emerged like a phoenix, realizing her true potential, from an individual who once doubted her own existence to a woman who is aspiring to inspire the youth.”
She had earlier opened up about her trials and tribulations in an interview with HealthShots. “I was shattered when I was bullied during my pre-teens for being too skinny. But this made me stronger, as I realised that I can’t give into the opinions of others. The only person I need to impress should be myself. In an attempt to impress the world, we can sometimes lose sight of who we are. But if you believe in yourself, you can conquer anything in this world,” she said.
Harnaaz has been raised by a strong mother, who worked as a successful gynecologist. In fact, even as a child, she accompanied her mother to health camps, and tried to understand the struggles faced with regard to menstrual health and hygiene.
This is what her bio reads, “Deeply conscious of the privilege her mother’s struggles have gifted her, Harnaaz today is a strong advocate for women’s empowerment, particularly their constitutional rights to education, careers and their freedom of choice.”
In an earlier interview with Health Shots, Harnaaz had said, “Over the years, I have seen the definition of ‘beauty’ gradually changing around me. The perception of what’s acceptable has hugely transformed amongst the youth, and that’s shifting to the masses too. I believe when each of us starts embracing and uplifting others, just the way they are, without any judgment attached (especially on social media), we can live in harmony.”
Harnaaz loves practising yoga and meditation, and believes that it helps her connect better with her surroundings. Her daily workout routine essentially includes bodyweight exercises, strength training, and running on the treadmill. What’s more, she is also a water baby and loves to swim when she gets an opportunity. She is also an avid horse rider and cyclist.
Harnaaz believes in keeping her diet healthy, and avoids processed, gluten and sugar-laden foods. She makes it a point to stay hydrated all the time. Although she believes in eating healthy, she also sometimes indulges in home-cooked Punjabi food.
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