Unlearn these 6 habits to learn new ones for better mental health

Don’t let the ball drop, especially when it comes to your mental health. Just unlearn these habits and keep calm.
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aggressive behavior makes you unproductive! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Nikita Bhardwaj Published: 20 Aug 2021, 04:02 pm IST
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Ever wondered if we could have a delete button in our head, helping us create space for new memories and attributes? Well, who says you don’t have one, as you can tap into your ability of unlearning to develop new habits and skills!

Unlearning is one of the key skills that can make or break your mental health. as we are loaded with so much information, that it gets difficult to process all of it. Learning to unlearn, can also help relearn a number of things.

Unlearning doesn’t mean completely forgetting a piece of information, but developing an ability to choose alternative information.

Thinking about what’s stopping you then? Well, it’s the habits that you have inculcated that are stopping you to be productive and emotionally stable

Here are six habits that are stopping you to unlearn and are triggering stress
1. Relying on others

We understand that you can’t do everything alone, but think what’s going to happen when the person you rely on the most, is emotionally or professionally unavailable. So, being self-dependent is a good attribute to develop, as it helps you be the boss of your own life.

habits to boost mental health
Make some space for a better mind. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
2. Blaming others

It might feel convenient to blame others, but it has mental health implications. Regardless of our words or actions, at the back of our mind, we always know the truth behind a situation. So, get rid of that guilt, and take responsibility for your own actions.

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3. Avoiding your feelings

Well, this is a bad habit, that you should think about unlearning on priority. By ignoring your feelings, you are just piling them up, waiting to unravel and burden you with anxiety.

4. Saying yes all the time

Ladies, you really underestimate the power of saying ‘NO’. It is not selfish on your edn to say no to picking up certain tasks or showing up at a social event. Prioritise your needs, and thank us later for providing you this tip!

habits to boost mental health
Saying no is sometimes the need of the hour. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
5. Not seeking help

You just can’t do everything by yourself. You will risk burning yourself out, if you continue working and doing everything on your own. So, find some time to relax and relieve yourself from stressful activities.

6. Unable to communicate

If you are suffering from ‘log kya kahenge’ syndrome, then please reconsider how you perceive your life. You should be able to freely communicate yourself, as it will help alleviate your fears and inhibitions.

Do you know that according to a renowned psychiatrist, Dr Rahul Khemani, unlearning is an important aspect of growth and development. Unlearning is countering our biases, prejudices, our mental blocks, and finding a new way to approach a topic or a problem. We are constantly relearning and unlearning. However, when you do it consciously and purposely, it can foster growth and meaning in life.

So, seriously consider giving up these habits to nourish your life!

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About the Author

Six-pack abs are all that Nikita needs, along with her daily dose of green tea. At Health Shots, she produces videos, podcasts, stories, and other kick-ass content. ...Read More

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