Everyone goes through tough days once in a while. It could range from stress at work to heartbreak in your personal life. When you’re feeling low, you barely want to get out of bed or do anything. Spending your time thinking about the things pulling your mood down eventually causes you to feel progressively worse and at times, even causes mental fatigue.
Before the low mood takes over your day, it is very important to look at the positive ways of overcoming the negative emotions. No matter what is pulling you down, you have to take conscious steps to boost your mood and ensure you’re doing that make you feel better.
Also, read: Indulge in these 7 activities to give your emotional health a boost
Here are four ways in which you can bust a bad mood in less than a minute:
Chocolate is comfort food for many and science supports the fact that it can actually improve mood. A study conducted by the Center for Human Pharmacology at the Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia confirmed this. So, chew on some chocolate square when you’re feeling down.
Even on the worst days, we all have something to be thankful about. It could be a beloved pet, memories from a vacation, or even a well-made cup of coffee in the morning. When you’re feeling down, it is important to just write down a couple of things that you’re thankful for. According to Harvard Health Publishing, “In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness.”
Take one whole minute to let your mind wander and visualise your ideal scenario. Be it personal or professional, we all have certain ideas of how we want things to be. When you’re feeling down, just take one minute to visualise how great it would be to have everything you want. This will actually motivate you to work towards your goals apart from providing you with a mental break from the negative emotions you’re going through.
Much like food, there are certain smells that can be very comforting. Light aromatic candles or incense when you’re feeling low and you’ll observe your mood getting better as the smell fills the room. In fact, research published in the journal Physiology & Behaviour notes that the odour of lavender and orange can be particularly helpful is uplifting one’s mood.
So, don’t let anything pull you down. Take active steps to uplift your mood and uplift yourself!
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