We got a psychiatrist to explain what good emotional health really is

Your mental health is important. But so is your emotional health! But what is emotional health? How you can you keep in good shape. We answer all that and more
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Don’t ignore your emotional health. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Ainee Nizami
Published On: 5 Dec 2019, 01:50 pm IST

One of the key steps to maintaining your mental health is understanding what good emotional health is all about. Right from being aware of your own emotions and reactions to managing your stress and finding purpose–there are a lot of basics that add up to put you in a good space, both emotionally and mentally.

So what is good emotional health really all about and how does that translate into good mental health? We got Dr P.K Manglik, an Uttar Pradesh-based psychiatrist to explain.

What does being emotionally healthy mean?

“Being emotionally healthy does not mean that an individual is always happy. An emotionally healthy person is able to manage his emotions well,” he says. 

It is not that such people don’t get influenced by various emotions such as gaiety, disappointment, and anger. However, they are capable of managing outbursts or negative feelings. They are able to convey them in an appropriate manner, he adds.  

What are some signs of good emotional health?

“If you are confident in facing new circumstances and comfortable interacting with new people every day, then you have good emotional health,” suggests Dr Manglik. 

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An emotionally healthy person can forgive herself even when things go awry due to her mistakes. Such an individual always sets certain goals for herself while being aware of the odds. She carries a sense of well-being and a feeling of self-respect.

What steps should I take to improve my emotional health?

The key to having sound emotional health lies in maintaining a state of happiness. 

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Image courtesy: Shutterstock

“One must look for the opportunities for making new friends, finding a trustworthy colleague and having a sound support system. Expressing your fears and worries with these individuals may help you,” says Dr Manglik. 

Regular exercise along with a healthy diet and lifestyle can greatly minimise the chances of depression and anxiety gripping you. 

It is now an established fact that every individual should have “me time” for pursuing their passion. So take some time out for yourself, daily. 

Also, avoid an excess of drugs and alcohol. Don’t neglect your sleep. 

“Lastly, every individual must believe in giving back to society. This leads to a feeling of satisfaction and achievement. One can seek volunteering opportunities, spend time with the needy and destitute in a shelter home or hospital among others,” he concludes.

Being in a state of good emotional health helps you deal with daily situations with a lot more clarity and purpose. 

Work towards removing negativities in your life–both in terms of people and situations–and ensure that you always put yourself first. 

Good emotional health, at the end of the day, is not the absence of mental illness, rather the presence of positivity to deal with it, and move on.

Disclaimer: At Health Shots, we are committed to providing accurate, reliable, and authentic information to support your health and well-being. However, the content on this website is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for personalised advice regarding your specific medical condition or concerns.

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About The Author
Ainee Nizami
Ainee Nizami

Ainee has 10 years of experience in finding and writing stories about lifestyle, health, and fitness. When she is not surfing the internet for stories that'll connect with women, you’ll find her reading a book and sipping chai.

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