Getting a new place is a big step — your space becomes a home, only when you have someone to share your place with. There are so many overwhelming emotions that you will experience throughout this new journey. Perhaps you are excited but also filled with anxiety because you are unsure of what you should expect from the experience?
How do you both prepare for this big step together? How do you navigate this change and work through the possible hardships? Moving in with someone is more than just the endless cuddles and movie marathons. This relationship milestone takes commitment, patience, love, understanding, mutual respect and most importantly finding a common ground.
The divine nature that exists within you reveals aspects of your personality and personhood. Taking big steps such as living with someone means that you are opening yourself up to receiving the livelihood and complete personality of what your partner has to offer. You should learn to embrace who they truly are – up close and personal and literally behind closed doors. It can be a beautiful shared experience when two souls come together to unify their bond through the significance of sharing space.
However, this transition can indeed be easier said than done. Here are the most important things you need to know when moving in with your partner for the first time:
How do you decide how to divide your household chores? Does one clean up while the other relaxes or should both of you be cleaning when the time arises? Or perhaps you prefer to do the dishes while the other person does the laundry? Discover your likes and dislikes, and take your partner’s preferences into account too. Accept yourself and your partner so that the transition of moving in together may happen more smoothly. Every problem can easily be solved when communication and respect are put at the forefront. Communicate with each other and learn to accept who you are and your partner as they are.
Also, read: Did you know? Kissing can improve sexual and relationship satisfaction
Living with someone you love and trust can be a fun experience worthy of making treasured memories. Play a game, release your inner child with your partner and have fun sharing good moments with someone who sees the best in everything that you are. Make your house a home by bringing in aspects of true joy, laughter and absolute bliss. Moving in with your partner may seem a little intimidating at first, but when you place love, learning, kindness, acceptance, respect and tolerance in your shared experiences, you find more joy in everything and everyone around you. A happy home is where all good things are able to thrive.
Know who you are and what you want and how to get it. Especially as women, we tend to overcompensate to please those around us and rarely allow ourselves to be the true version of ourselves, while dismissing titles such as ‘’mom’’, ‘’career woman’’ and ‘’spouse’’.
Self-knowledge means having a better understanding of yourself outside of external expectations. When we know ourselves, we are empowered! Self-knowledge binds you to the connection that you and your partner may have. You will be able to set boundaries for your ‘’new normal’’, which will allow conflicts to lessen and to centre your experiences on love, respect and kindness.
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