Here’s how you can cut off toxic friends from your life, without stirring drama

As you grow up, you might realise that some of your friends are toxic. And the best thing to do is to get rid of them for the sake of your mental health.
friendship breakups
Get rid of toxicity this year. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Shreya Gupta Published: 2 Jan 2021, 11:00 am IST
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Nothing feels as good as having friends who always have your back, and understand you like no other, but nothing is as difficult as dealing with a toxic friend. If your friend is making your life difficult, then it’s time you end this friendship for good.

Yes, we agree you might have grown up together, shared many memories, and it might be really hard for you to let go of the friendship. But there’s really no point holding on to it, if it has become toxic. 

A healthy friendship should always add positivity and some value to your life. While there can be a few ups and downs in your friendship, if it happens too often, and for too long that it starts consuming you and sabotaging your personal growth, then it’s time to let them go

Here are a few ways you can drop them from your life:

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1. Practice what and how you’ll say it

Once you’re sure that the friendship has become toxic, and there’s no point staying, then letting them know about it is important. Communicating why you want it to end is important, so decide what, where and how you are going to bring up this topic. And before meeting them be clear of what you want to say, and while you should be in your comfort zone while discussing this, try to avoid doing it over an online chat.

2. Officially end the friendship

Go and physically tell them that you want to end the friendship, but you should only be doing this when you both are not being aggressive. Sit down and let them know that you don’t want to continue with it. This might be a tough option, but it ensures that you are done with it once and for all.

toxic friends
Toxic people take their negativity to all places, be it relationships or friendships. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Also, read: Toxic people at work getting you down? Here’s how you can find bliss amidst the negativity

3. Fade them out

If you don’t find the above method of confrontation very comfortable, you can slowly fade them out from your life. Reduce your meetings, calls and text slowly, but this works only when you both feel the same. If you both are on a different page, and then you try to fade them out, it might not be very successful and they might end up spewing hate on you.

4. Cut them off completely

If your friendship has turned aggressive and emotionally abusive, then you should be cutting them off completely without any closure. You can straightaway block them and ignore them, as you don’t owe them anything. Just do whatever works to remove yourself from that situation.

Sometimes, it can get overwhelming for you, and if you feel that you need help to deal with the effects, then do consider seeking professional help. On that note, you should aim at starting this new year on a positive note!

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About the Author

Finding nirvana in good food, Shreya also loves reading books and is a die-hard Potterhead. Confident and motivated she's fun to be with. Plus food. Always. ...Read More

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