Thasana Lourembam, a 25-year-old Manipur-based teacher, starts her day by making meals for her family. She is not the only one. She is joined by her mother and aunt. Her cousins are responsible for keeping the house clean. Meanwhile, her brother looks into the needs of their grandparents, and her father and uncle keep her nieces entertained. They share their joys and sorrows, success and failures. Living in a joint family has many advantages – from reducing stress on a single person, building a strong support system and fostering bonding to lowering the risk of loneliness. On the occasion of International Day of Families, observed on May 15 every year, we tell you the benefits of living in a joint family.
Living in a joint family is a family arrangement in which multiple generations, such as grandparents, parents, children, and their spouses, live together in the same home. This structure divides resources, duties, and decision-making among family members, says psychotherapist and life coach Dr Chandni Tugnait.
Children from joint family have better mental health compared to those from nuclear family, according to a research published in the BMC Public Health journal in 2021. Also, children with higher family engagement generally may have
fewer psychological complaints and greater life satisfaction compared to those with lower family engagement, as per a 2022 study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health.
While nuclear families are becoming a norm, here are some more benefits of living in a joint family:
With multiple generations living together, there is an easily accessible network of emotional, practical, and financial assistance. This can be especially useful at times of stress, illness, or life transitions like marriage or pregnancy.
Childcare, household chores, and caregiving for senior family members can be distributed among multiple members. This reduces the weight and stress on any single individual.
Joint households enable knowledge and skill sharing across generations, says the expert. Children can benefit from their elders’ expertise and experiences, while the older generation can keep up with changing cultural trends through the younger members.
Being a part of a close-knit, extended family can provide a strong sense of identification, belonging, and emotional stability. These can help in improving mental health.
Managing the complexities of a combined family necessitates good communication, compromise, and conflict resolution skills. These can lead to improved interpersonal abilities and emotional intelligence.
Having multiple family members living together provides a constant supply of companionship and social engagement. These can be especially good for youngsters and the elderly, lowering the risk of loneliness and social isolation.
Experiencing other family members’ perspectives and coping techniques can help people build emotional resilience and adaptability. These can help in preparing them to face life’s obstacles.
Living in a joint family has many advantages, but you should also recognise the potential drawbacks and obstacles that may develop.
At times, people live in a joint family, but don’t have a great bond. Strengthening relationships in a joint family involves intentional effort, honest communication, and a willingness to tolerate varied opinions, says Dr Tugnait.
To enjoy the benefits of living in a joint family, you must embrace your household’s unique dynamics and diversity. Build a strong support structure based on love, respect, and a shared commitment to provide a harmonious and rewarding living experience for all the members.
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