Breakups are tough, aren’t they? They trigger a range of emotions that can debilitate a person both physically and emotionally. While it is perfectly normal to feel sad after a breakup, you should definitely consult a therapist in case, if your symptoms do not start improving after a few weeks, or get worse.
According to a study published by the US National Library of Medicine, experiencing a breakup is associated with an increase in psychological distress, and a decline in life satisfaction.
The impact on mental health after a breakup is quite apparent. It manifests in the form of different emotions, including anger, frustration, crying, insomnia and loss of interest in daily activities. Sometimes, the symptoms might be more magnified. It’s possible that you feel sad and hopeless at all times, and it begins to show up in the form of physical symptoms like sudden weight loss, or weight gain.
However tough the situation may be, you can definitely salvage the situation, and so, we bring to you three things that you must do to take care of your mental health post-breakup:
1. Reach out for support
You can ease your worries by reaching out to your closest family and friends. There is absolutely no reason to go through these tough times alone. Surround yourself with positive people, who encourage and uplift you. Now this also means you must steer clear of negative people, who constantly judge you and pull down. You can start simple: how about getting together with a few co-workers for a fun lunch, a weekend video call, or even a movie sesh with a friend.
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2. Include New Activities
The cardinal rule to take care of your mental health in such situations is to refrain from delving into past memories, or going on a guilt trip from time to time. The more we venture into the rabbit hole of past memories, the more our brain will be wired to fill us with anxious thoughts. Instead, try and rewire your brain to create new habits, which will help us build positive life patterns.
One such example is art. Art is a wonderful way to deal with negative emotions and pain. Indulge in music, explore dance, literature, singing, poetry or focus on reading to fill your mind with new thought processes. You could also exercise your way out of a state of lull and anxiety, and focus on your health instead of being frustrated with past events.
3. Practice self-care
It is ‘okay’ to let it all go from time to time, express yourself to your trusted friends and family members, and talk about your future aspirations and goals. Healthy and nutritious food will also help you maintain your physical strength, while meditation is what you need to find your inner calm. You can also go for long walks to clear your mind and connect with nature. Prioritise yourself and your needs before anyone else.
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Start with these baby steps, and keep moving ahead on the path of healing!
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