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We got gynaecologists to answer the most Googled questions about orgasms

Blame it on curiosity or the lack of information, not many people know enough about orgasms. So we are answering the most Googled questions about the female orgasm here.
Let’s understand female orgasms shall we? Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Chetna Pattnaik Published: 29 Jul 2020, 07:14 pm IST
  • 96

It is not surprising that female orgasms are one of the most searched topics on the internet. Blame it on curiously, lust, or lack of information—the truth is that female orgasms are still a mystery for many. 

So we thought why not demystify this phenomenon by getting gynaecologists to answer the most Googled questions about orgasms. 

So let’s begin?  

Q1. What is an orgasm?
Long story short, orgasm is the sudden discharge of built-up sexual tension during the sexual response cycle. It is controlled by the autonomic nervous system which gives to the rhythmic muscular contractions in the pelvic region that we identify as sexual pleasure or orgasming. 

Sleep orgasms are involuntary, triggered by subconscious desires while you sleep. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Q2. How to get an orgasm?
“The clitoris is the go-to sweet spot for most women when they want to experience the pleasure and release of an orgasm,” explains Dr Mamta Pattanayak, a minimal access gynae surgery consultant at Fortis Memorial Research Institute (FMRI), Gurugram.   

“However, the way one wants their clitoris to be stimulated might differ from person to person,” she says. For many women, it is stimulation of the G-spot that does the trick. For the uninitiated, your G-spot is on the front wall of your vagina, about halfway between your vaginal opening and cervix and feels kind of spongy. 

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But getting an orgasm also has a lot to do with psychological factors. Says obstetrician and gynaecologist, Dr Nupur Gupta from FMRI: “For some women it is important to be mentally be in that state to be able to reach physical satisfaction. Foreplay could be important for such people, to feel psychologically charged up and get in the mood.”

  1. What is orgasm anxiety? 
    Orgasm anxiety refers to a type of anxiety originating from a person’s inability to perform or enjoy sex. If you have been there, don’t worry: it’s pretty normal to experience. Orgasm anxiety typically arises due to unnecessary thoughts that creep into our minds while we are trying to have a good time. 
Don’t let unnecessary thoughts creep into your mind while you have a good time. . Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Dr. Gupta explains: “To talk about sex is still not a normalized discussion in a culture like ours. And since we don’t talk enough about female sexuality, most women do not know how to approach it or deal with it. This leads them to creating their own theories of their sexuality.”  This lack of empowerment to talk about one’s sexuality or feelings during an intercourse is one of the trigger points for orgasm anxiety. 

  1. How does an orgasm feel? 
    During an orgasm you experience a general sense of euphoria. It can be characterized by frequent body movements and vocalizations, once the climax of satisfaction is approaching or achieved. Each person has a unique experience of orgasm but some of the common ones include heavier breathing, a feeling of warmth and sweating, body vibrations, altered consciousness, or an urge to moan or cry out.
  2. Where is the G-spot?
    The G-spot is located between the pubic bone and front of your cervix, about two inches into the vaginal opening on the front wall of your vagina. Remember, it is closer to your stomach and not your back. While masturbating or during sexual intercourse, you need to keep the pressure pointing towards the belly button, if you want to hit that spot.

“However, there is no one specific place or skin texture to help you identify it, so the best way is to keep experimenting till you find that spot”, explains Dr. Pattanayak.

Solving the G-Spot mystery. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
  1. Why do I get a headache when I orgasm?
    Explains Dr Pattanayak: “One experiences headache post masturbation or sexual intercourse because of a lesser supply of oxygen to the brain that is instigated by the act.”

“It could also be as a result of added stress of performance and climaxing on time which adds on to the anxiety and can give you a headache,” she explains.

  1. Why does it take a lot of time and effort to orgasm?
    Sexual pleasure has a lot to do with emotion and relaxation. You cannot enjoy sex if you are uncomfortable, self-conscious, or don’t feel quite right about what’s going on. This is more common in women than in men. This can again be traced back to the taboo in our culture with regards to female sexuality and lack of awareness about the same,” explains Gupta.  

There is no biological reasoning as to why women take more time and effort to climax. Everyone’s body responds differently and everybody has different preferences when it comes to how they like to be sexual with someone. That’s why it is important to communicate with your partner and let them know what works for you.

  1. What are female aftershocks? 
    These are basically muscle contractions in the pelvic region. Female aftershocks last for approximately one minute after an intense orgasm. While they are usually pleasurable, in some cases they might feel as painful as cramps. However, after the pain subsides the overall experience may still be considered pleasurable.

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Understanding fitness the hard way, Chetna has finally learnt to strike a balance between her protein shake and her beer and making room for her writing desk and her gym at the same time. ...Read More

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