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Want to induce the big O? Here are 3 yoga poses that can help you have better sex

Yoga is an age-old technique that is used to increase flexibility, and improve muscle strength. But did you know it can help you achieve pleasurable orgasms?
Elevate your orgasms with yoga. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Geetika Sachdev Updated: 10 Nov 2020, 06:46 pm IST
  • 71

We all know yoga offers several benefits to both the body and mind, but did you know it is the secret to a steamy session in the bedroom? Yes, you heard it right. That’s because yoga is known to reduce stress levels in the body, and that means less cortisol levels. When you are perpetually stressed, your sexual desire goes for a toss. All in all, when you practice yoga, you also become more aware of your body and even your partner’s, helping you understand what both of you like and dislike.

There’s evidence to prove this claim. A 2009 study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine observed that yoga can improve sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, and overall sexual satisfaction. Why may you ask? That’s because yoga increases circulation to the pelvic region, and activates and engages the body’s core, and increases oxygen levels in the body. Everything put together helps you reach the big O. And we anyway know, it is not easy for women to reach an orgasm, unlike men who climax much faster. 

And guess what? There are several yoga poses that are more beneficial than the rest. Want to find out? Well, here are three yoga poses that can help you orgasm: 

1. Dhanurasana or bow pose

This yoga pose is particularly helpful when it comes to achieving a stronger orgasm. This asana is also great to overcome your disinterest in sex. That’s because it rushes the blood to your genital area, and boosts your libido.

yoga for sex
Let the bow pose fix your sex woes. Image courtesy: Tejinder Kaur

Here’s how to do it:

1. Lie down on your stomach with your feet a little apart, almost parallel to your hips. Have your arms on the side of your body.
2. Next, fold your knees up and hold your ankles with your hands.
3. Breathe in and lift your chest off the ground, and pull your legs up and stretch it out.
4. You should experience the stretch on your arms and thighs.
5. Hold the pose for 12-15 seconds, and take long, deep breaths alongside.
6. Bring your chest and legs back to the ground, release your hold on the ankles, and relax with your hands on the side.
7. Repeat several times.

2. Parsvakonasana or warrior II pose

This yoga pose not just strengthens your pelvic floor muscles, but also helps with your sexual hormones. And that means you’re going to have some great control over orgasms!

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Here’s how to do it:

1. Stand on a yoga mat with your feet about a leg distance apart.
2. Turn your right foot out, and turn your left toes in, about 45 degrees.
3. As you exhale, bend your right knee, thigh parallel to the floor, knee above the ankle.
4. As you inhale, firm your lower abdomen in and up.
5. As you exhale, extend your body over the right leg, and bring your right arm down, either with your elbow on your right thigh or place your hand on the floor.
6. Reach your left arm over your head, next to the left ear.
7. Turn your palm, so that you bring the little finger side of your hand to face the floor.
8. Extend from the outside of the left heel through the left fingertips, and revolve the ribcage up towards the ceiling.
9. Hold this pose anywhere from 5 to 15 breaths.
10. Reverse the direction of your feet to do the same pose on the other side.

3. Side plank tree pose or vasiṣṭhāsana

This yoga asana is known to stimulate the reproductive organs, and also beats stress and fatigue. No wonder, it is beneficial to help you get the big O!

yoga for sex
Power up your sex life with yoga. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Here’s how to do it:

1. Start in the plank pose, bring your feet together, and roll onto your left side. Place the outside edge of your left foot on the mat.
2. Stack your right foot and leg on top of the left, reach your right arm toward the ceiling, and look at your right thumb.
3. Stay a side plank pose for 15-30 seconds, and then switch sides.

So ladies, practice these poses regularly to heat things up with your partner!

  • 71
About the Author

An independent writer and journalist, Geetika loves sharp and fresh humour, just like her coffee! If not writing, you'll find her cafe-hopping and raiding the best book stores in town. ...Read More

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