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Long-distance forcing you into a dry spell? Here are 5 virtual sex tips to help you out

Long-distance relationship can make your sex life dull but try to explore virtual sex to keep the passion alive!
virtual sex
These tips will enhance your virtual sex experience! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Shreya Gupta Published: 21 Dec 2020, 08:00 pm IST
  • 77

This pandemic has forced many couples to convert their relationship to a long-distance one. Truth be told, it is definitely a task to keep the passion strong. If you’ve been missing the intimate time with your partner but are separated by distance, you need to consider virtual sex.

The idea might sound a little intimidating if you are doing it for the first time but we’re here to offer some important advice to help you.

Here are five tips to help you get acquainted with the idea of virtual sex and how to go about it:

1. Draw some boundaries

If you are a virtual sex virgin, setting the boundaries is essential. Not doing so right in the beginning can give way to the development of awkwardness between you and your partner. So, make sure you’re communicating with each other about what you’re comfortable with and what you’d like to avoid.

Also, read: Is your long-distance relationship on the rocks during the pandemic? Then, read this

2. Choose the platform and medium

You have plenty of options available to choose from in this day and age. Make sure you are doing your research on which platform is safe. When it comes to choosing the medium, you need to understand that texting, phone calls and video calls have their own set of pros and cons. Some people are uncomfortable with video calls while some people don’t find sexting too satisfying.

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Trust science to fix your long-distance relationship. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
3. Take it slow

Foreplay isn’t just important in real life but also in the virtual world. It leads to a higher level of comfort before you both get into the act. Try to build excitement by sending voice notes and flirtatious texts.

4. Set the mood

Once you are comfortable and have discussed how you want to go about it, you need to set the mood. Creating the right vibe can make or break this experience. So, wear good lingerie and switch on some fairy lights for a sensuous feel through the screen.

Also, read: Here are 3 terrible sex tips you musn’t believe for anything in the world

5. Include some goodies

Yes, we’re talking about props and sex toys. If you’re comfortable using them, you will find that they actually enhance the whole experience while also providing solo fun. Sex toys and props are more readily available than you think!

So, ladies, don’t let the distance get in the middle of your sex life. Explore virtual sex with your partner till you both see each other again!

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About the Author

Finding nirvana in good food, Shreya also loves reading books and is a die-hard Potterhead. Confident and motivated she's fun to be with. Plus food. Always. ...Read More

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