
What is vaginal rejuvenation or vaginal tightening — and why do women go for it?

Vaginal rejuvenation or vaginal tightening surgery is a series of procedures that can help alter the way your vagina looks. Read on to know if this is necessary
Vaginal tightening is a series of procedures to tighten the vaginal muscles. Image courtesy: Freepik
Anjuri Nayar Singh Updated: 4 Aug 2024, 09:17 pm IST

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Does your vagina even need rejuvenation? That’s a question that can spark quite a debate. Vaginal rejuvenation or vaginal tightening is a set of surgical as well as non-surgical procedures that can help tighten the vaginal muscles. It is believed that these procedures can help your vagina look more symmetrical as well as help with sexual pleasure. But are vaginal rejuvenation or vaginal tightening treatments required? Does the vaginal need to be ‘tightened’ or are these treatments purely cosmetic? Under what circumstances must you go in for such procedures? Let us try to answer these questions and tell you more about vaginal rejuvenation or vaginal tightening.

What is vaginal rejuvenation or vaginal tightening surgery?

Vaginal rejuvenation or vaginal tightening surgery refers to a set of surgical and non-surgical procedures aimed at tightening the vaginal muscles and mucosa, enhancing the appearance of the vaginal area, and commonly done to improve sexual satisfaction, explains gynaecologist and obstetrician Dr Chaitali Trivedi. These procedures are often sought by women who experience vaginal laxity due to childbirth, ageing, or other factors.

A study published in Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, also suggests that vaginal rejuvenation or vaginal tightening surgery is also used for mild pelvic organ prolapsed (POP), and urinary incontinence. However, it adds that laser vaginal tightening procedures, a non-surgical method of vaginal rejuvenation, lacks scientific evidence of safety and efficacy. In fact, there are other, less invasive ways to make your vagina tighter.

When is vaginal rejuvenation or vaginal tightening surgery required?

Here are some of the common reasons why people go in for vaginal rejuvenation or vaginal tightening surgeries:

1. Childbirth

Childbirth can often change many things for a woman, her vagina is one of these. Vaginal laxity can occur after vaginal childbirth due to the stretching and tearing of vaginal tissues, states the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, adding that the muscles of the vagina can get so loose that a tampon might even fall out.

2. Menopause

Menopause might be another reason for the vagina to change. “As women age, the collagen and elastin in vaginal tissues can degrade, leading to laxity,” explains Dr Trivedi. A study, published in JAMA, states that genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) affect up to 84% of women in menopause. The symptoms of GSM include vaginal dryness, burning, lack of lubrication, and discomfort during sex. While some women use vaginal moisturisers, others need extensive therapy, which is extremely expensive. Therefore, vaginal laser therapy is often suggested, claims the study.

Also Read: Loose Vagina: Myths, facts and how to tighten vaginal muscles

3. Urinary incontinence

Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) can also impact urinary symptoms such as urgency, dysuria, and recurrent urinary tract infections, states this study, published in the Journal of Menopausal Medicine. In some cases, these procedures can help alleviate symptoms of urinary incontinence.

However, some women also seek these procedures to enhance sexual pleasure by increasing friction during intercourse. “For personal or aesthetic reasons, some women opt for these procedures to improve the appearance of their vaginal area,” says Dr Trivedi.

While some times vaginal tightening is medically required, some women also do it for a symmetrical vagina. Image courtesy: Freepik

What are the different kinds of vaginal rejuvenation/vaginal tightening surgery?

There are both surgical and non-surgical methods available:

Surgical Methods:

  • Vaginoplasty: A surgical procedure that tightens the vaginal muscles and surrounding tissues.
  • Labiaplasty: A procedure to reshape or reduce the size of the labia minora or labia majora.

Non-Surgical Methods

  • Laser Therapy: Uses focused laser energy to stimulate collagen production and tighten vaginal tissues.
  • Radiofrequency (RF) Therapy: Uses radiofrequency energy to achieve similar results as laser therapy by heating the vaginal tissues to stimulate collagen production.
  • Injectable Fillers: Hyaluronic acid or other fillers are injected into the vaginal walls to enhance tightness and lubrication.

When is vaginal rejuvenation or vaginal tightening surgery done, but not required?

This happens when a woman wishes to alter the appearance of her vagina for purely aesthetic reasons, without functional issues. “Some women may feel pressured by societal or cultural standards to undergo these procedures,” says Dr Trivedi. Some women may believe these procedures will enhance their sexual experiences, despite not having any medical or physical necessity.

Vaginal laxity can happen due to vaginal delivery or menopause. Image courtesy: Freepik

Does vaginal rejuvenation or vaginal tightening surgery help?

Can vaginal tightening lead to better sex? Yes, it may. Increased friction during intercourse can enhance sexual pleasure for some women and their partners. A study published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, claimed that the sexual function of the participants was improved six months after vaginal tightening. Some women experience a boost in confidence and self-esteem following these procedures. The appearance of the vaginal area can be improved, addressing any personal concerns.

What are the risks associated with vaginal rejuvenation/vaginal tightening surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection, explains Dr Trivedi. Surgical procedures can result in scarring, which may affect the appearance and function. Post-procedure pain and discomfort are common. “There is a risk of altered or reduced sensation in the vaginal area. Bleeding, adverse reactions to anaesthesia, and other complications can occur,” she adds.

How is vaginal rejuvenation or vaginal tightening surgery done?

These are typically performed under anaesthesia. The surgeon makes incisions to tighten the vaginal muscles and remove excess tissues. The procedure usually takes a few hours, and recovery can take several weeks. “The outpatient treatments involve the application of laser or radiofrequency energy or injectable fillers. Sessions are typically shorter, and recovery time is minimal compared to surgical options. But multiple sessions are needed to get adequate results,” says Dr Trivedi.

Can you prevent vaginal laxity?

Regular kegel exercises can help maintain the strength and tone of the vaginal muscles. “Maintaining a healthy weight, balanced diet, and regular physical activity can support overall vaginal health. Avoiding activities that strain the pelvic floor, such as heavy lifting, can prevent laxity,” explains Dr Trivedi. Proper postpartum care and physical therapy can help in the recovery and maintenance of vaginal muscle tone.

Anjuri Nayar Singh

Anjuri Nayar Singh has over 12 years of experience in writing for various topics including lifestyle, films, television and OTT. She also writes on art and culture, education and human interest stories. ...Read More

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