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Is anal sex safe? Here are 4 risks about anal intercourse you can’t ignore

Anal sex can be pleasurable but there are a few facts that you should be aware about to make sure it is a safe and good experience for you.
anal sex
Is anal intercourse worth the pain and risk? Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Updated On: 21 Mar 2024, 03:26 pm IST

If you are someone who has decided to experiment with anal sex, then it’s essential for you to understand the safety precautions your must exercise. Anal sex comes with immense benefits such as you are more likely to have an orgasm, one that is more intense, and you are exploring a new area of your body. However, there are many risks associated with anal sex as well.

If you have been wondering is anal sex safe, or is anal sex good for you, here is some help! Read on to know  facts about anal sex intercourse will help you prepare better for the first time.

What is anal sex?

Any sexual activity that has got to do with the anus, is referred to as anal sex. Here, an erect penis is inserted into the anus, rather than the vagina. While some people find it pleasurable, there are many risks associated with anal sex.

Anal sex risks

1. Can result in an anal tear

Is anal sex painful? Well, yes, it may be initially. As per a study published in the British Medical Journal, many women find anal sex to be painful, but go on with it regardless because of persuasion by their partners–as well as its normalisation in pornographic films. The pain can also be due to a a tear in the lining of the anus. Known as fissures, these tears can even be deep and cause bright red bleeding. Using lubricants can help prevent a tear to some extent, but is not full-proof.

2. Can lead to an infection

The chances of catching infection through anal sex is higher than what it is with vaginal sex. A study, published in Promoting Public Health Research, states that those practicing anal sex are at high risk of catching HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. The tissue inside the anus does not have the protective wall of dead cells, unlike other external tissues of our body, and thus, the protection against infections is much less.

Also Read: Anal sex without condom: 4 health risks you must know

3. Can lead to a weakened anal sphincter

The anus has a ring-like muscle around it, which is known as the anal sphincter. This becomes tight, right after we pass stool. At this time, if penetration is attempted, it can be quite painful. If this is done repeatedly, then it may also result in the anal sphincter becoming weak. This means that you might not be able to hold your bowel movement effectively if you don’t have immediate access to a toilet. This study, published in HHS Public Access, states that both men and women who practice anal sex are more prone to  fecal incontinence.

anal sex
Yes, anal sex can be pleasurable for you. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Also Read: Anal sex 101: Your ultimate guide to having safe and pleasurable anal sex

4. Can pass on bacteria

One of the biggest disadvantages of anal sex is that it cannot be followed by vaginal sex. Stool present at the further end of the rectum naturally contains bacteria, which can be caught on by the penis and then spread to your vagina. So, vaginal sex is a strict no-no after you’ve tried anal.

How to practice anal sex safely?

1. Condoms are a must

Is it safe to have anal sex? Yes, it is if you have a condom, and make sure it’s put on right! Ladies, you can’t get pregnant through anal sex. That one’s obvious. However, the likelihood of getting sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) through anal sex is higher than any other type of sexual activity, as per UK’s National Health Service website. The reason is fairly simple: The lining of the anus is quite thin and thus more vulnerable to catching infections easily.

anal sex
Play it safe and use a condom. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Hence, using a condom during anal sex is an absolute must.

2. Cut your nails

To avoid cuts and tears, it is very important that your nails are trimmed and clean. This will help prevent tears as well as infections.

3. Enema might be a good idea

An enema is when water is pushed into the rectum. This would ensure absolute cleanliness, thus eliminating possibilities of bacteria.

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4. Lubrication

Zero lubrication in the rear increases the chances of tears during penetration, and the resulting wounds can get exposed to bacteria when you pass stool because the stool naturally contains bacteria. The result? Deep-skin infections and some seriously painful abscess, that’ll need you to visit a doc for treatment. So make sure to use lubrication.

5. Relax, before anal sex

Once you are relaxed, the chances of a tear become low. A warm bath, or just going slow will help with this.

6. Clean afterwards

It is very important to clean up after anal sex. You can use warm water and a mild soap to do this. This will help prevent infections. Using a water-based cream will help with soreness as well.

Disclaimer: At Health Shots, we are committed to providing accurate, reliable, and authentic information to support your health and well-being. However, the content on this website is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for personalised advice regarding your specific medical condition or concerns.

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