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How to get rid of a hickey fast: Top tips from a dermatologist

Wondering how to get rid of a hickey after a moment of passion? A dermatologist tells you how to remove a hickey instantly!
How to get rid of hickey fast
If a hickey gets worse, show a doctor. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock
Team Health Shots Updated: 3 Jan 2024, 04:17 pm IST
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In the heat of the moment, sometimes it becomes difficult to know how rough you are being until a hickey or love bite pops up the next morning! If you have ended up with a purplish small mark on your skin after a night of canoodling, you know what we’re talking about. The bruise, mostly seen on the neck and arms, is caused by kissing or sucking of skin, which may lead to broken blood vessels under the skin. If you are searched for how to get rid of a hickey quickly and landed here, you know what this mark of passion is all about! Let us help you with some expert tips.

People try various ways to remove a hickey instantly. Some put layers of foundation to conceal it or even wear a scarf in sweltering heat so that nobody notices. But a hickey needs more attention than that in order to heal. Health Shots reached out to celebrity dermatologist Dr Apratim Goel to know effective ways to get rid of a hickey.

How to get rid of a hickey?

The purple mark you see after a passionate session is nothing but a bruise called a hickey or a love bite. It develops due to the pressure from the suction leading to the breakdown of tiny blood vessels, causing extravasation or pooling of blood locally. When red blood cells oxidise, they form purple patches. Though there is no way to make a hickey go away overnight, you can try these methods suggested by Dr Goel for quicker healing.

how to get rid of a hickey
Home remedies for hickey that actually work! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

1. Put some ice on it

As mentioned, a hickey is nothing but a bruise, so a cold compress can help. Take some ice and rub it on the area. It will move and break up the coagulated blood, which is what you want if you want to get rid of the hickey. it will help you heal a hickey mark.

2. Follow it by a warm compress

After 48 hours of using a cold compress, give warm compression with a warm towel. It will increase the blood supply to the area and quicken the reabsorption of the blood, explains the dermatologist.

3. Use medication

When natural remedies don’t work, you turn to science for help. We are talking about taking medication (recommended by your doctor) that is used to treat bruises. Next, you can use creams like arnica creams or thrombophob creams, which people generally use for bruises. However, don’t buy the medication without consulting a doctor.

Can you get rid of hickeys fast with home remedies?

There are several videos going around that claim that you can get rid of a hickey in a  jiffy. We wish it was possible, but it’s not. Love bites or bruises don’t go away immediately and take a few days to go away. Unfortunately, you would need a temporary solution to conceal it. Meanwhile, you can try the above-mentioned methods to get rid of hickeys. But don’t believe everything you see on social media. Having said that, here are the internet hacks for hickeys that may not work.

1. Aloe vera gel

While aloe vera gel is a potent ingredient loaded with the goodness of nutrients, it will not help you get rid of hickeys. Dr Goel says applying aloe vera gel on love bites may not remove the mark or heal the bruise. However, it does have hydrating benefits and can be used as moisturiser to keep your skin hydrated and help it heal faster.

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aloe vera gel
Does aloe vera help you get rid of hickeys? Let’s find out. Image courtesy: Adobe stock

2. Peppermint spray

Another hack doing rounds on the internet is the peppermint spray but this one is again a failure. Dr Goel shares that peppermint does not cause the blood to flow and reduce the love bite. However, rubbing peppermint oil repeatedly can lead to skin irritation which may cause more skin reactions. I would advise you to skip this hack.

3. Banana peel hack

This is another trend that you must have come across on the internet. Yes, banana peel contains antioxidants and offers soothing benefits but it does not remove the bruise mark. It helps give your skin a soothing effect.

banana peel benefits
Use banana peel to get rid of hickeys. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

4. Other similar hacks that don’t work

As per the expert, similar to peppermint, it is advisable to skip the application of toothpaste, alcohol, and any such ingredients as they can cause skin reactions and lead to problems.

Note: Whether you have a hickey or not, never use a home remedy without doing a patch test first and consulting a doctor.

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