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Here’s what happens to your mental and physical health when you STOP having sex

Having a sexual drought is not too great, when it comes to your physical and mental well-being. Here’s why.
If finding the right partner is a problem, then masturbation can be a solution. Image courtesy: Shutterstock.
Nikita Bhardwaj Published: 18 Oct 2020, 12:00 pm IST
  • 94

Can lack of sex make people die? Well, absolutely not. It’s just way too bizarre to happen. But we can’t deny the other repercussions, especially when it comes to physical and mental well-being.

We all are well aware of the fact that sex gives us pleasure. And when our body receives pleasure, it releases happy hormones like dopamine that relaxes our mind. It has a soothing effect that not just relieves physical pain, but also helps in lowering stress and anxiety. 

It’s not wrong to say that consensual sex is therapeutic in nature. On the contrary, if you perform sexual abstinence, where you restrict your body from sexual acts or lose your sex drive, then it can have negative connotations.  

It’s not just about physical needs, it’s also about emotional well-being

To know how lack of sex can impact your health, we got in touch with Dr Sonal Anand, a well-known psychiatrist at Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai. Here’s what she has to say, “Sex has its own science when it comes to well-being.”

Here’s how no sex can impact your health:

1. You’ll be stressed more often

According to Dr Anand, sexual activity is a big stressbuster. That’s because of the release of endorphins – the feel-good neurotransmitters – and certain other hormones, like dopamine and serotonin. The hormones released during sexual activity play an important role in lifting your mood, and making you happy.

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not having sex
Sex and health go hand in hand. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

“Oxytocin released during an orgasm is known to have positive effects on emotional health and your relationship bond. This is the reason that leads to distance, and tiffs between couples. The hormones that are released to make relationships stronger are no longer released by your body, making your life stressful and mentally exhausting”, she explains.

2. Your immunity can also go for a toss

Yes, it is true. Having no sex can also impact the immunity levels of your body. According to the researchers at Wilkes-Barre University in Pennsylvania and Dr Anand, when you have sex then there is a sudden surge of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in your body. Immunoglobulin A (IgA) helps to fight viruses.

“When you stop having sex, there is almost negligible release of immunoglobulin A and due to that you fall prey to diseases like flu, cough, seasonal fever, etc.”, she explains.

3. No sex can lead to low-self esteem

“Lack of sex can create feelings of negativity and low self-esteem in either partner. A feeling of being wanted, which is brought about by sex goes missing and can create a negative self-image, as opposed to good physical intimacy that builds confidence and well-being”, says Dr Anand.

not having sex
You should know which doctor to go to when you have sex issues. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

She adds, “On an individual level as well, endorphins released during sex and dopaminergic release of the reward circuit of the brain are known to boost the mood, almost like rebooting a system.”

4. Not having sex can also change your sexual response

It is been seen that when people tend to avoid having sex due to any reason, then automatically their sex drive shifts to a lower degree. They don’t feel an orgasm, or no urge for sex – no action, no reaction.

5. Your creativity gets a hit

When you have sex or when you orgasm, the neurotransmitters light up your entire brain, enhancing its overall functioning. And that improves your focus, creativity, and productivity. In some cases, it helps to boost your memory too!

Not having sex can keep you away from these awesome benefits. And FYI, masturbation can also be of great help here! 

So ladies, skipping sex is not the best idea, because it will do you more harm than good!

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About the Author

Six-pack abs are all that Nikita needs, along with her daily dose of green tea. At Health Shots, she produces videos, podcasts, stories, and other kick-ass content. ...Read More

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