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One of the most basic instincts of the animal kingdom is survival of the species or what we call procreation. The birth of a child is one of the most beautiful moments in the lives of expectant parents. But with increasing incidence of infertility cases, there is a growing concern regarding how to tackle the situation. Although there are multiple options available today to address the issue, your partner can take the help of vajikarana, one of the eight branches of Ayurveda that specialises in health issues related to the reproductive system.
The term ‘Vajah’ indicates both the horse as well as the reproductive tissue. Hence the medicines, activities, as well as the diet that has the capability of improving the strength or vitality in a person (similar to a horse), and improving the quality of the reproductive tissue, are considered to be vajikarana dravyas.
A person is considered to attain dharma or righteousness, artha or money, preethi or love and yashas or fame with the help of a healthy progeny. Hence, this branch of medicine is given a lot of importance.
These medicines are inherently bruhmana or nourishing in nature, increase the bala or strength, and have the ability to bring about sama dhatu or an equilibrium of the body tissues in a person. At the same time, they also increase shukra or the reproductive tissue, promote fertility as well as swasthya as in general health in a person.
The shukra dhatu or the reproductive tissue is one among the seven body tissues explained in Ayurveda. Its primary function is considered to be the formation of garbha or the fetus.
When the shukra dhatu is well-formed and healthy, it is responsible for distinct features in a person, including them being soft natured, with clear milky white eyes, well-formed unctuous teeth that are even, as well as a clear complexion.
The ojas, which is considered to be the essence of all the tissues in the body, would also be formed well in a person who has the protective function in the body.
The digestion and metabolism in a person, termed agni in Ayurveda, is an important factor in determining health. Unless the agni is healthy, the formation of the various physiological aspects in the body such as the doshas or the three key physiological functions would be hampered. This, in turn, would result in various diseases, including the improper formation of the shukra dhatu.
Hence, methods to improve the agni by utilization of various langhana or fasting therapies, and utilization of spices in the diet are important.
Generally, foods or medicines that have the quality of being madhura (sweet) in taste, snigdha (unctuous) in biophysical properties, pushtikar or nourishing in nature as well as manoprasannata (those that satisfy the mind) come under this category.
These include foods such as ksheera (milk), ghrita (ghee), yavagu (rice gruel), payasa (milk porridge), modaka (sweet dumpling), godhuma (wheat), masha (urad dal), amra (mango), lashuna (garlic), kadali (banana), akshota (walnut) etc.
Ayurveda has always insisted on regular cleansing to achieve the optimum functioning of the tissue nourishment. Ama, which is a complex chemical and metabolic waste, is understood to have a negative impact on various physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioural functions.
It has a direct impact on the quality of sperm in men and regularity in ovulation. The cleansing method is usually adopted, according to the individual body type, and for a certain period of time, depending on the level of ama in the system.
Simple activities are considered to have the capability to have the vajikarana effect. These include abhyanga (massage), snana (bath), shayana (comfortable resting place), asana (comfortable sitting place), and samvahana (mild massage).
These medications should be utilized, after consulting an Ayurveda physician. Self-medication is not advised.
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